11/19/2019 City Commission Minutes

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.

Members present: Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Powell, Commissioner Erickson.

Members absent: Commissioner Magnuson.

Others Present: City Administrator Schelkoph, City Auditor Richter, City Attorney Martineck, City Assessor Hansen, Public Works Accountant Jacobson, Building/Fire Inspector Andersen, Fire Chief Magnuson, Lieutenant Rustebakke, Deputy Auditor Klein, Chad Petersen from KLJ.

Approval of Agenda – Addition of Consent B, C, D

Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve the minutes from November 5, 2019 meeting, seconded by Commissioner Powell. Motion carried.

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve Raffle Permit for American Fisheries Society Student Subunit
  2. Approve Raffle Permit for Valley City Fire Department
  3. Approve Parade Application for Chamber of Commerce’s  Parade of Lights on December 5, 2019
  4. Approve Block off Street Request for Parade of Lights on 2nd Street NE from Central Avenue to 3rd Avenue

Commissioner Erickson moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Commissioner Bishop. Motion carried.


Approve Resolution No. 2224, A Resolution Approving the Oxbow Addition Plat

City Attorney Martineck reported the Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of this subdivision with the condition that lot be identified on the final plat as lot 3 is located in the county (but within the extraterritorial jurisdiction). Martineck reported this change was made. Commissioner Powell moved to approve Resolution No. 2224, seconded by Commissioner Bishop. The motion passed unanimously.

Approve Resolution No. 2225, A Resolution Authorizing Filing of Application with North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality for a Loan under the Clean Water Act and/or Safewater Drinking Act (5th Avenue NW: NDDOT No. SU-2-990(059))

City Auditor Richter stated the loan application is through the State Revolving Loan Fund for the 5th Avenue NW project with $1.75 million being applied for. Commissioner Erickson moved to approve Resolution No. 2225, seconded by Commissioner Powell. City Auditor Richter clarified this loan is for the portion of the project that will be special assessed as the loan rates are lower than the bond market.

The motion passed unanimously.

New Business

Consider City Recommendations for Streetscape II on Main Street and Central Avenue S (NDDOT Project No. UGP-2-999(051)

Chad Petersen from KLJ reported that Streetscape II will include Main Street from the Elks building to 3rd Avenue SE; City Park; and Central Avenue S. ADA improvements and decorative lighting are included in the project. The City Commission was presented with two options for this project: Option A – no build (stop project completely); Option B – proceed with recommendations as presented in CATEX pages 4-8. The project costs approximately $2.2 million with $1.53 million from federal; $115,000 from state; $500,000 local cost including special assessments to property owners for mill & overlay. Petersen stated the recommendations include moving the curb line to address slope requirements without a step down. A bump out for ADA compliance will be added by the Edward Jones building to allow for a ramp into the building. The Commission discussed moving the ramp to the west and/or the basement steps exiting to the south. Petersen stated since the entrance is within the NDDOT right of way encroachment, it needs to be ADA compliant. Petersen stated the final plans are due to the NDDOT by the end of December and asked for action.

Commissioner Powell moved to approve Alternative B, seconded by Commissioner Bishop. The motion passed unanimously.

Approve Contract No. 19-UGPR-114 between Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) and the City of Valley City regarding Scheduling & Payment

City Administrator Schelkoph reported for the ease of billing – WAPA energy is paid and scheduled through MRES. This contract allows for this. Schelkoph recommended approval.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve Contract No. 19-UGPR-114, seconded by Commissioner Erickson. City Auditor Richter reported the contract is effective 2021 – 2050.

The motion passed unanimously.

Approve Annual Blue Cross Blue Shield Contract for 2020

City Attorney Martineck stated a committee is reviewing health insurance options for 2021. The City is moving from a self-funded plan to fully insured fund in 2020. With the change, there is potential for $100,000 to $200,000 in cost savings next year.

Commissioner Erickson moved to approve the Annual Contract, seconded by Commissioner Powell. The motion passed unanimously.

City Administrator’s Report

City Administrator Schelkoph provided a final report on the Fall 2019 flood. No sandbags were used. The City incurred costs of $487,000 which includes $250,000 for erosion repairs primarily along the downstream bank near Mill Dam.

Schelkoph reported VCPW has distributed two light bulbs to the customers and reminded the public to use more efficient energy options. Schelkoph stated that a meter data management will be rolled out. This will help with locating outages and customers will be able to see their electrical and water usage during the month.

City Updates & Commission Reports

City Auditor Richter reported that Tony Kobbervig submitted his resignation for the Renaissance Zone Authority Board. There is an opening on the board, please contact the Auditor’s Office if interested.

Chad Petersen from KLJ reported on Friday, November 8 the NDDOT opened bids for 5th Avenue NW and the bids are $600,000 over the Engineer’s estimate. Review will occur regarding the impact to Special Assessments and local funds. Federal funds were capped on the project and no further federal funds are available.

Commissioner Powell inquired about the mill dam reconstruction. Petersen stated Barr Engineering has completed the design to 30%. Petersen will meet with Schelkoph to discuss with the next presentation likely in December/January. Erosion is a stand-alone project.

President Carlsrud thanked Tony Kobbervig for his service.


Meeting was adjourned at 5:40 PM.

Posted in City Commission, City Commission Minutes.