Construction Updates
The following construction updates are posted on the City Engineer page:
- Permanent Flood Protection
- Paving Improvement Projects
- Sanitary Sewer Improvement Projects
- Storm Sewer Improvement Projects
Snow Removal
1. Emergency Routes Map
2. Business District
3. Residential neighborhoods, rotating with each snow event
Snow removal will begin in one quarter of the city, and continue clockwise with the next snow removal. For example, if the first snowfall is removed starting in the Northwest, Northeast, Southeast, Southwest; the second snowfall will be removed starting in the Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, Northwest.
Snow Emergency Routes:
- Designation of snow emergency routes upon which no parking is allowed during snowfalls or snow removal. Cars unlawfully parked will be ticketed and may be impounded.
- The snow emergency routes are: Main Street and Central Avenue (except portions designated as a business maintenance area) Winter Show Road, 12th Street North, 8th Avenue SW, 12th Avenue SE, 5th Avenue NE and 6th Street NE between 5th Avenue and 9th Avenue NW.
No parking from 12 AM to 6 AM: The City Commission has designated streets for business maintenance and within the college area with no parking from 12 AM to 6 AM. This is in effect all winter to facilitate snow removal.
Snow Removal Providers are listed online.
Reminders for citizens:
- When the snow windrow is in the middle of the street, please parallel park. This allows room for traffic and city trucks.
- Property owners or occupants are expected to remove all snow from their sidewalk within 24 hours after a snowfall ceases. Failure to do so, may cause the Street Department to remove the snow and the cost will be assessed against the property by special assessment, in the manner prescribed by law (Section 23-15 of the Valley City Revised Ordinances).
- Parking lot owners who push snow into the streets will be cited. Existing nuisance ordinances prohibit property owners from pushing snow into the streets, thereby obstructing or endangering traffic (V.C.M.C. 7-03-05).