3.22.2021 Mayor’s Message

Hi Everyone,

  • Wow!  Isn’t this weather refreshing?  Our dog took me for a walk this afternoon and the air smells so good.  We have been Blessed with and should be grateful for another good week of weather.  Other people in the US have been less fortunate, please remember those people.
  • Be careful around the river, the ice is not safe.  Very few cubic feet per second (cfs) are being released from Baldhill Dam as the pool is low and inflow is minimal to none.  That said, having the sunshine is nice, but our whole state needs some rain.  Maybe sunshine during the day and some rain overnight? 
  • Some “normalcy”:  North Dakota High School Activities Assoc. (NDHSAA) spring sports begin this week.  VCSU is already playing softball and baseball.  They provide good entertainment, come out, watch awhile and enjoy the fresh air.
  • While walking the other day I noticed houses without house numbers and some that are not readily seen.  Please consider updating your house numbers to ensure efficient deliveries etc.
  • It is spring though unlike normal years, UND traveled to NDSU to play football last Saturday!  If I understood the announcers correctly, it was the largest indoor crowd in the nation that day.  It is good trivia and good for North Dakota that the football rivalry is reinstated.
  • This is a legislative year.  There are some bills that could affect you.   This address: https://www.legis.nd.gov/assembly/67-2021/regular is a place where you can track bills and contact your legislators if you wish.  It is an interesting process.
  • If you are wondering about the virus vaccines, the CDC people say all three vaccines are effective.  Get yours so we can continue our trek towards Herd Immunity and some protection from variants on the horizon. See the City-County Health District website, citycountyhealth.org or call 845-8518.                                                                                
  • “A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents will not have true respect for anyone.”      (Billy Graham)                                                   

Blessings, Be Kind, Be Safe and Pray


Posted in Announcements.