8/17/2020 Mayor’s Message

Hi Folks,

  • We are nearing the beginning of school ….. already!  VCPS and VCSU personnel have been planning much of the summer for a safe face-to-face return to classes.  This being an unprecedented time in education, students, teachers and administrators will need your support.
  • Do you remember Valley City is a Municipal Power community?  This year through July, the shortest outage lasted less than .5 hours and the longest outage lasted 2 hours and the lights were on .999984% of the time. J
  • Fifth Avenue NW is coming along in spite of the big rain last Friday.  Sue and I walked it last weekend, the curbs sure look nice, the base is in place and paving should be “just around the corner”.  Thank you all for your patience.
  • We have been blessed with such nice weather, I hope you all have made the opportunity to walk, jog, bike, go for a drive or just sit out in the lawn to enjoy the air.  Mindy, our dog, and I walked around Chautauqua Park Sunday evening; it was beautiful.  Get outside; enjoy the many niceties of Valley City and our area.
  • A COVID-19 note:  The numbers in Barnes County and the state continue rising.  This IS real.  We know about Social Distancing and experts are telling us the use of facemasks is beneficial.  So when we cannot Social Distance, let’s try to be better about utilizing facemasks.  I am trying to be better even though I would rather not wear a mask, I am sure it is for the better.
  • “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty and dedication to the proposition that all men are created equal”.                                 (Abraham Lincoln)

    Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,


Posted in Announcements, Covid-19.