4.24.2022 Daily Flood Minutes

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM.

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Erickson, Commissioner Bishop via Telephone, Commissioner Magnuson, and Commissioner Gulmon

Others present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Richter, and Deputy Auditor Klein.

President Carlsrud Introduced Rich Schueneman, Corps of Engineers; General Alan Dorman, Adjutant General ND National Guard; Colonel Karl Jansen, St. Paul District Corps of Engineers.

Colonel Karl Jansen – Purpose for him being there is to make sure the City has what we need from the Corp of Engineers and vice versa.

General Alan Dorman– Been driving around so can see for himself what’s happened compared to prior floods. Will have a liaison on the local level if needed. Help with communication from State, County and City. They are here to assist when needed.

Rich- Pool elevation is at 1265.78, approaching full pool, have 5 feet storage available, releasing 3,200 cfs. River stage is at 15.7. National Weather Service is putting out forecasted crest of 18.5 feet by this next weekend. We have inflows of 5,000 cfs or more right now. Preparing for possible precipitation event this weekend. Awarded a contract to Strata last night and put a plan together for Valley City. Strata is bringing people from all over the State. Protection in place by Wednesday/Thursday. Have 8,500 lineal ft of levies to raise in 5 major areas. Public stay away from those areas, yield to all flood emergency vehicles.

Mike strom – Trucks are moving with a smaller amount of dirt to abide by load restrictions. Trucks are using designated haul routes.

Gwen- Have 3 phases of the flood protection finished. All flood walls sections will be in place today. Sandbags have been installed by VCSU footbridge. Filled sandbags came from Fargo. 15,000 filled sandbags came to VC. Sandbags are available, come to Firehall if needed. US Corp has been contracted out to do the clay levies, our PW crews are working alongside them to fill in where needed. Following Flood Emergency Plan and Chain of Command. Plan for next 24 hours will be posted on Social Media and dedicated flood page on website. Will have designated phone line setup. There will be daily meetings in Commission Chambers. Street closure maps will be on website after this meeting. Thank you to VCSU Athletic Departments for their volunteers.

Clint- Staff is on rotating shifts, lots of help from Valley City Fire Department, in pretty good spot.

Dewey- Keep away from the river. Thank you to VCFD, City staff, and all volunteers.

Dick- Gwen has done a magnificent job and thank you Rich for being here. KLJ has lots of knowledge and doing a great job.

Dave – Fortunate for staff, FD, volunteers from VCSU and community. Kudos to citizens who voted to use City Sales Tax to fund Permanent Flood Protection. Appreciate assistance from Legislature and DWR and their cost shares making this possible.


Meeting was adjourned at 4:28 PM.

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