9/3/2020 Special Commission Meeting

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM.

Members present: Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson, Commissioner Gulmon

Others Present: City Administrator Crawford, Finance Director Richter, Deputy Auditor Klein, City Attorney Martineck, Fire Chief Magnuson, Police Chief Hatcher

New Business

N2.  Review the City Engineer Position.

City Attorney Martineck stated it was brought up at the last meeting that there may be some alternatives than hiring our current candidate. 

City Administrator Crawford presented some thoughts on an RFQ to hire a firm to do those particular responsibilities other than hiring on staff.

City Administrator Crawford stated the candidate, Caleb, may not be the best for the City due to his concern on the building inspector side of things.

Commissioner Bishop stated he spoke with both Caleb and Dave Anderson recently.  Caleb stated he was still interested in the position and the building inspector part of the description was not a deal breaker.  Dave Anderson was able to learn this position without any prior schooling for it.  Caleb was concerned with the plumbing and electrical which Commissioner Bishop stated isn’t included in this position anyway.  He has an engineering degree and Commissioner Bishop feels he can do this job.

Commissioner Magnuson stated he sees this position as more of an engineer, project planner or someone that goes out and finds projects that need to be done and then we hire an engineering firm to do the rest.

City Attorney Martineck stated if he feels he can do it and the Commission feels comfortable let’s go ahead but let’s not set him up for failure.

President Carlsrud asked if this was a Commission hire.

City Attorney Martineck stated it is a City Administrator hire unless we were going to go a different direction we would want the Commission to vote on it.  Also, right now KLJ is our City Engineer.  They do preliminary design work and present that to the Commission.  The Commission votes on that then it goes out for bids.  Caleb would not be able to do that.  From the very beginning of that project you would be looking at hiring out.

City Commissioner Magnuson said Caleb could look at existing infrastructure and provide input and then oversee the project but anything else would have to be hired out.

Commissioner Erickson expressed his concerns of Caleb using this as a stepping stone.  Also asked what Caleb was asking for pay.

City Attorney Martineck stated he calculated $72,000-$79,000 based on his experience but Caleb did mention he would be asking for more since he had to wear so many hats, probably high seventies low eighties.  RFQ we don’t know cost until it is bid.

President Carlsrud agreed it was a lot of hats but questions requesting more money because that’s what is in the job description.  President Carlsrud would like to see the pay in the range you have calculated instead of higher.

Decision was made to negotiate with Caleb.

N1.  Consider changes to the Preliminary Budget

Finance Director Richter stated with the 2020 Cares Act for the Corona virus we have submitted 5 months of the law enforcements salaries and benefits to the state and based off what was sent in we have received money from the state to help offset the loss of revenue and increased costs we are having.  We have received the first 5 months, $435,056, from the state and will be receiving another portion estimated at $165,000.  This can be used for a wide range of items.

City Attorney Martineck mentioned they have a meeting on document management with Tyler, we don’t have a quote yet but that may want to be included in the budget.  Also the budget for the chamber and court, could that be covid related and receive reimbursement?

Finance Richter stated she will have to check into it as this money received may be in lieu of the other reimbursements that were submitted due to Covid.

City Commissioner Bishop stated he would like to see if something can be done with the windows at the PD.

Finance Director Richter stated that $15,000 was already added into the budget for that but can increase if needed.

President Carlsrud asked Police Chief Hatcher to get quotes so we know what to budget.

Consensus was made to move forward entering this into the budget.

Meeting adjourned at 7:57 AM

Posted in Announcements, City Commission Minutes.