8/31/2020 Mayor’s Message

Hi Everyone,

  • Last week I was privileged to spend some time at The HAC for the VCPS Conference.  It was really refreshing seeing the whole VCPS Staff enthusiastic about the beginning of school. 
  • I believe all VCPS and VCSU employees and students have been provided the best opportunities to be successful combating COVID-19 and accomplished their missions.
  • Drivers, watch for students.  A number of them will be walking to school beginning this week.
  • Students, walking is good for us. It is a great way to social distance on your way to school with your friends as well.  Pay attention and be safe.
  • Everyone, our local COViD-19 numbers are way up and there may have been some less than “stellar” decisions leading to some of the increases.  Why have our local numbers been low for much of the time COVID-19 has been threatening?  Because you all have been making wise choices with social distancing!  It is imperative we return to more strict social distancing and wearing masks when you can’t social distance.   Governor Burgum professes, “A soft touch of government and a heavy dose of individual responsibility”, please try.
  • Behavioral Health is critical.  There are many things we can do outside our homes to safely relax and cultivate “good feelings” for ourselves.  Get out and enjoy.
  • Social Injustice is everywhere; respect and kindness are keys.  “To be respected and receive kindness, I must first give respect and kindness”.
  •  “If they respect you, respect them.  If they disrespect you, respect them anyway.  Do not allow the actions of others to decrease your good manners, because you represent yourself, not others.”                                          

                                                                (Peanuts Quote)

    Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,

    Dave Carlsrud

Posted in Announcements.