Truck Route Locations & Map

Truck Route Locations & Map

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The Truck Routes are indicated on the following map or described below:

The following portions of streets, to be used in accordance with the provisions of  V.C.M.C. 14-12-26, are hereby established as truck routes:

  1. Main Street from the east city limits to the west city limits.
  2. 9th Avenue NW from Main Street W, north to the city limits.
  3. 5th Avenue NE from Main Street E, north to the city limits.
  4. 12th Street NW from 5th Avenue NE on the east to 9th Avenue NW on the west 8th Avenue SW from Main Street west, south to the city limits.
  5. 12th Avenue SE from Main Street east, south to Winter Show Road.
  6. Winter Show Road from 8th Avenue SW on the west to 12th Avenue SE on the
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