Agenda Available

9.20.2022 Commission Agenda

The City Commission Meeting will begin on Tuesday, September 20th, 2022 at 5:00 PM CT, at the City Commission Chambers, 254 2nd Avenue NE, Valley City, ND.

The meeting is also available to view online or listen by calling (1 346 248 7799) Webinar ID:  862 5003 6842

Call To Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance (please stand)

Approval of Agenda

Approval of Minutes

Approve the Minutes from the September 6, 2022 Finance and Commission Meetings.

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve Special Alcohol Beverage Event Application for The Captains Pub on October 1st, 2022 from 6 PM to 1 AM for a Wedding Reception held at Economy Storage located at 960 15th Ave SW.
  2. Approve Block off the Street Application for the following
    •  VCPD for a VCSU Training Exercise on October 11, 2022 at 2 PM.
    • Connect Church Trunk or Treat on October 31, 2022 from 3 PM-6 PM.
  3. C. Approve New Tobacco License Application for The Clubhouse Lounge.

Roll Call:                Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Carlsrud

Public Comments

Attorney General’s “A Citizen’s Guide to North Dakota Open Records & Open Meetings Laws” *A member of the public does not have the right to speak to the governing body at an open meeting.  The public is only entitled to see and hear what happens at a meeting, and to record or broadcast those observations.

  • No personal attacks to persons present or not
  • No inflammatory language used during time that you have the platform
  • 5-minute maximum or as directed by the chair
  • Thank you for participating in City Government.

Public Hearing

  1. Public Hearing for 2023 City Budget.

Declare Public Hearing Open.
Close Public Hearing.

Roll Call:          Erickson          Bishop             Magnuson        Gulmon           Carlsrud

Approve First Reading of Ordinance No. 1116. an Ordinance Adopting the 2023 City Budget. (Finance Director Richter)

Roll Call:          Gulmon           Erickson          Bishop             Magnuson        Carlsrud

2. Public Hearing regarding Special Assessments Projects: Paving Improvement District No. 119, Paving Improvement District No. 119B, Paving Improvement District No. 120, Storm Sewer Improvement District No. 52, Sanitary Sewer Improvement District No. 64, and Water Main Improvement District No. 100.

Declare Public Hearing Open.

Close Hearing.

            Roll Call:           Bishop             Gulmon           Erickson          Magnuson        Carlsrud     

Approve Special Assessments as recommended by the Special Assessment Commission for Paving Improvement District No. 119, Paving Improvement District No. 119B, Paving Improvement District No. 120, Storm Sewer Improvement District No. 52, Sanitary Sewer Improvement District No. 64, and Water Main Improvement District No. 100

Roll Call:          Erickson          Magnuson        Bishop             Gulmon           Carlsrud         


  1. Approve Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 1112, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Subsection 4 of Section 8-06-06, Subsection 5 of Section 8-06-16, and Sections 11-02-08, 11-06-07, and 11-06-20 of the Valley City Municipal Code Related to Location of Plantings and Fences in Yards.  (City Attorney Martineck)

Roll Call:          Gulmon           Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Carlsrud

2. Approve Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 1108, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact sections 8-07-02, 11-06-16, 14, 10-49, and 14-35-04 of the Valley City Municipal Code Related to Parking.  (City Attorney Martineck)

Roll Call:          Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Magnuson        Carlsrud

3. Approve Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 1114, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Section 14-06.1-06 of the Valley City Municipal Code related to Fees for Noncriminal Traffic Violations. (City Attorney Martineck)

Roll Call:          Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Carlsrud


  1.  Approve Resolution 2373, a Resolution Approving Plat of Industrial Park Addition.

Roll Call:          Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Carlsrud                                      

New Business

  1. Approve Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) Application for Valley City Permanent Flood Protection and Authorize Payment. (KLJ)

Roll Call:          Gulmon           Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Carlsrud

2. Consider Offer to Purchase Parcel 63-3440047. (City Administrator Martineck)
Roll Call: Erickson Gulmon Bishop Magnuson Carlsrud

City Administrator’s Report
City Updates & Commission Reports

9.11.2022 Mayor’s Message

Hi Everybody,

  • Last Thursday evening “Summer Vikes on Central” welcomed the “VCSU Family” and all the area folks who came out and enjoyed the cool evening with music, food and fellowship.  There was a great number of VCSU Students who met at the Footbridge and walked uptown with the VCSU Marching Band.  “People will go where they are invited, but they will stay where they feel welcome and we hope you’ll feel welcome here” (Anonymous).  Thank you for choosing VCSU and have a great year.
  • Sunday, 206 riders registered for the Red Knights of ND Motorcycle Club sponsored ride to honor firefighters who lost their lives in the “911 Tragedy”.  Thank you Red Knights.
  • Valley City qualified as a “Tree City USA” by the North Dakota Forest Service recently and was recognized with others at the NDSU Football game last Saturday.  Congratulations and thank you to all the people who work throughout the year making the aforementioned happen.
  • Early fall temperatures are affording some lower humidity, cooler temperatures and many precious evenings.  Friday there was a very nice crowd enjoying Hi-Liner Football at Hanna Field and a gorgeous evening.
  • When cleaning gardens and flowerbeds, remember you can take the foliage, grass clippings and branches to the Transfer Station, which is open 24-7.
  • Thank you to all who helped with topics and proofing again this week.
  •  “”Coaching is over rated, the team with better players almost always wins.”                            (John Wooden)
  • Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers,


Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

8.16.2022 Commission Minutes

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Erickson, Commissioner Bishop and Commissioner Gulmon

Others City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Deputy Auditor Klein, Administrative Assistant Johnson

Pledge of Allegiance

Oath of Office for City Assessor Tina Current

Approval of Agenda

No Changes.

Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve the minutes from the August 2nd, 2022 Finance, Commission and Budget Meetings, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Consent Agenda

Approve Application for Raffle Permit for Barnes County Ducks Unlimited on September 29th, 2022 at the VC Eagles club.

Approve Application for Parade for VCHS Homecoming on Central Ave. on September 30th.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion passed unanimously.

Public Hearing

Public Hearing for Application for Property Tax Incentives (PILOT) for H&G Holdings, LLC.

President Carlsrud declared the public hearing open.

Deputy Auditor Klein stated this was published and we received two letters in support and no other written comments.

George Gaukler gave an overview.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Bishop. Motion passed unanimously. 

Approve Resolution 2369, a resolution approving Property Tax Incentives (PILOT) for H&G Holdings, LLC.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve seconded by Commissioner Bishop. Motion passed unanimously.

Receive Tax Increment Financing Development Plan and Review the Timeline.

George Gaukler stated there is a need for additional housing in the area and single-family housing was too expensive so they decided to go with twin homes.

Jennifer Feist commented that she spoke with the BND and they believe that TIF would be a suitable use of funds and they could finance, pending the documentation being submitted, through the city.

No action was taken at this time.

Consider 12th St NW Expansion Proposal.

City Administrator Crawford stated there would be 10-12 lots and there is discussion for more growth. They are requesting we extend the roadway, watermain and sanitary sewer to this section. The area is in our utilities in electric but we have to check on water.

Commissioner Magnuson motioned to use Prairie Dog funds with the balance remaining coming from federal funds with a developer’s agreement between H&G Holdings and the City, seconded by Commissioner Bishop.  Motion passed unanimously.   

Public Hearing on Dangerous Building Located at 925 2nd St SE.

President Carlsrud declared the public hearing open.

City Attorney Martineck stated Fire Chief Magnuson has been working with the owner of the property and there was an agreement to have it cleaned up and it is still not.  Pursuant to the code it comes before the commission.

Fire Chief Magnuson stated we have been watching this since spring has gotten here and nothing has been done. Neighbors are questioning why nothing is getting done.  We need to move forward and get it cleaned up and recommending no longer than 30 days to give them time to get it cleaned up.  If it’s not done at that time we go out for bids and assess the cost to the property.

Property owner Gary Staudacher stated he doesn’t have the funds or energy to clean it.  Requested the city take it but they want it cleaned up.

City Administrator Crawford asked City Attorney Martineck if they could give it to the city if there was an owner on there that had passed away?

City Attorney Martineck stated they would look into the process of the sale of the property since there is more than one owner.

Commissioner Bishop moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. Motion passed unanimously.

Approve Order on Dangerous Building Located at 925 2nd St. SE.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. Motion passed unanimously.


Approve Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 1110, an Ordinance for Contractor Licenses.

City Attorney Martineck stated the paragraph that defines public contract and adding language as far as the dollar limitation as to when a license is required which will match state law.

Commissioner Magnuson commented he doesn’t feel the need for contractor license when they are already licensed and bonded by the state.  Is it better to request the information on the permits?

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve following state ordinance, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.

Roll Call:  Magnuson-nay         Erickson-nay    Bishop-aye       Gulmon-aye     Carlsrud-aye

Motion passed.

Approve Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 1111, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Subsection 17 of Section 14-10-49 of the Valley City Municipal Code Related to Parking in Public Parking Lots.

City Attorney Martineck stated no changes from the first reading.

Commissioner moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Bishop.  Motion passed.


Approve Resolution 2370, a Resolution Amending the Master Fee Schedule (Contractor License). 

City Attorney Martineck stated based on the approval of ORD 1110 we need to add the contractor fees to the schedule.  It will be $100 for initial and $50 for the renewal and anyone that is currently doing work in Valley City it will be $50.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Bishop.

Roll Call: Magnuson-nay          Erickson-nay    Bishop-aye       Gulmon-aye     Carlsrud-aye

Motion carried.

Approve Resolution 2371, a Resolution to Approve the Replat of Meadow View Estates. 

City Attorney Martineck stated this was submitted to the PZ Commission and was approved with the conditions listed on the resolution. 

Mayor Carlsrud asked about sidewalks.

City Attorney Martineck recommended that we can move forward with this authorizing the City Administrator to take care of it as part of the developer’s agreement.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve authorizing the City Administrator to make the decision on the sidewalks as part of the developer’s agreement, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion passed unanimously.

New Business

Approve Agreement with Engineering to Evaluate Road Quality

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.  Motion passed unanimously.

Approve Application for Property Tax Exemption at 460 6th Ave SW.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Erickson. Motion passed unanimously.

Approve Agreement between the City of Valley City and Barnes County Development Corporation.

Jennifer Feist stated there were no changes other than the new expiration of the date and ORD number. Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. Motion passed unanimously. 

City Administrator’s Report

City Administrator Crawford reported that the levees have started to be removed.  They are working to get the VCSU area cleaned up with college moving in this Friday. Everything should be done no later than September 21st.  If you have any damage, let us know and that will be addressed in the next step.

City Updates & Commission Reports

PW Manager Jacobson reported the 3rd year of the recycling contract just ended in July.  The contract called for a base limit of 900 tons and Valley Recycling hit 1,230 tons. A couple of months ago we received a letter from the City of Fargo and the rates for hauling our waste to them is going up $5 and they may be adding a surcharge for anybody out of the county. 

Chad Petersen from KLJ provided an update on construction projects. 6th St. is pretty much wrapped up, sod will take place when temperatures cool down. 12th St N mill and overlay will begin tomorrow and paving is scheduled for Thursday.  Temporary striping will be in place prior to school starting.

President Carlsrud stated we are into the fall season where timing is critical. Thanks to all of our city employees and commissioners for serving.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:24 P.M.

9.4.2022 Mayor’s Message

Greetings Folks,

  • Valley City has qualified as a “Tree City USA” by the North Dakota Forest Service.  Congratulations and thank you to all the folks who make it happen.
  • Many trees are showing stress.  With drought conditions last year and a cold winter, your trees may need WATER.
  • In City Hall there is a recommended list of trees that will “fit” wherever you’d like to plant one.  A number of younger trees are or will be growing into power lines around town and in time will have to be removed.  Please check yours, if they aren’t too large, you can have them moved.
  • *  A reminder, your vehicle’s turn signals are to alert traffic around you.  Please signal earlier than later as it could prevent another driver from hitting you.  Signaling when your turn has begun is too late.  Be safe, signal early.
  • Last week a vehicle ran into a permanent floodwall; “alcohol may have been involved”.  Versus the floodwall, the vehicle “lost” and there were physical injuries.  Alcohol can be dangerous for you and others so please use good judgment and drive sober; “The life you save could be your own”.
  • Thank you to all who helped with topics & proofing again this week.
  •  “Good teams become great teams when the members trust each other enough to surrender the ‘Me’ for the ‘We’.”                                                      (Phil Jackson)
  • Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers,


Agenda Available

9.6.2022 Commission Agenda

The City Commission Meeting will begin on Tuesday, September 6th, 2022 at 5:00 PM CT, at the City Commission Chambers, 254 2nd Avenue NE, Valley City, ND.

The meeting is also available to view online or listen by calling (1 346 248 7799) Webinar ID:  810 6457 4695.

Call To Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance (please stand)

Approval of Agenda

Approval of Minutes

Approve Minutes from the August 16, 2022 Commission Meeting.

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve Monthly Reports from the Fire Chief, Electrical Superintendent, Building Inspector, Finance Director and Municipal Judge.
  2. Approve Application for Raffle for the following:
    •  Barnes County Senior Citizens Council from the dates of September 9, 2022 to June 30, 2023 at the Barnes County Senior Center.
    • Valley City Lions Club on September 20, 2022 at the Eagles Club.
    • Valley City USBC Association from the dates of November 13, 2022 to May 7, 2023
  3. Approve Application to Block off Central Ave from 3rd St. SW to 4th St. SW for a 100th Anniversary Celebration at Connect Church on October 8, 2022 12:00 Pm to 8:00 PM.
  4. Approve Application for Parade for VCSU Homecoming on September 17, 2022 at 10:30 am.

Roll Call:                Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Carlsrud

Public Comments

Attorney General’s “A Citizen’s Guide to North Dakota Open Records & Open Meetings Laws” *A member of the public does not have the right to speak to the governing body at an open meeting.  The public is only entitled to see and hear what happens at a meeting, and to record or broadcast those observations.

  • No personal attacks to persons present or not
  • No inflammatory language used during time that you have the platform
  • 5-minute maximum or as directed by the chair
  • Thank you for participating in City Government.


  1.  Approve First Reading of Ordinance 1113, an Ordinance to Rezone and Amend Zoning Map (Meadow View Estates).  (City Attorney Martineck)

Roll Call:          Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Magnuson        Carlsrud

2.  Approve First Reading of Ordinance 1112, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Subsection 4 of Section 8-06-06, Subsection 5 of Section 8-06-16, and Sections 11-02-08, 11-06-07, and 11-06-20 of the Valley City Municipal Code Related to Location of Plantings and Fences in Yards.  (City Attorney Martineck)

Roll Call:          Gulmon           Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Carlsrud

3. Approve Frist Reading of Ordinance 1108, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact sections 8-07-02, 11-06-16, 14, 10-49, and 14-35-04 of the Valley City Municipal Code Related to Parking.  (City Attorney Martineck)

Roll Call:          Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Magnuson        Carlsrud

4. Approve First Reading of Ordinance 1114, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Section 14-06.1-06 of the Valley City Municipal Code related to Fees for Noncriminal Traffic Violations. (City Attorney Martineck)

Roll Call:          Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Carlsrud


  1.  Approve Resolution 2372, a Resolution Approving the Sale of GE Transformer No. F961679.  (City Attorney Martineck)

Roll Call:          Magnuson        Gulmon           Bishop             Erickson          Carlsrud          

New Business

N1. Approve Monthly Bills for the City and Public Works in the Amount of $          

Roll Call:                Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Carlsrud

N2.  Approve Appointing Brenda Klein as Finance Director for Valley City as of August 11, 2023.  (City Administrator Crawford)

Roll Call:                Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Carlsrud

N3.  Approve Appointing Brandy Johnson as Deputy Auditor for Valley City as of August 11, 2023.  (City Administrator Crawford)

Roll Call:                Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Carlsrud

N4.  Approve Site Authorization for ND Wildlife Federation at the Valley City Eagles Club on April 1, 2023. (Finance Director Richter)

Roll Call:                 Magnuson       Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Carlsrud

N5.  Consider Valley City-Barnes County Development Corporation Request for Funds in the Amount of $20,000 for Small Projects Funding. (Jennifer Feist)

Roll Call:                Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Carlsrud

N6.  Consider Valley City-Barnes County Development Corporation Request for Funds in the Amount of $60,000 per year for 3 years from October 1, 2022-September 30, 2025. (Jennifer Feist)

Roll Call:                Gulmon           Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Carlsrud

N7.  Approve 2021 Eide Bailly Audit Report.  (Finance Director Richter)

Roll Call:                Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Magnuson        Carlsrud

City Administrator’s Report
City Updates & Commission Reports

Agenda Available

9.6.2022 Finance Agenda

 The City Commission Meeting will begin on Tuesday, September 6th, 2022 at 3:30 PM CT, at the City Commission Chambers, 254 2nd Avenue NE, Valley City, ND. 

Members of the public may view the meeting online or listen by calling (1 346 248 7799) Webinar ID: 824 3290 6714

Call to Order

Roll Call

Agenda items

  1. Department reports.
    • Sanitation Department
    • Water Department
    • Electric Department
    • Fire Department
    • Police Department
    • Street Department
    • Administration
  2. Review monthly bills/reports (10 minutes) – (Finance Director Richter)
  3. Discuss Utility Fund. (City Administrator Crawford)
  4. Update on Elks Building.  (KLJ)
  5. Update on Lead Line Inventory & Replacement. (City Engineer)
  6. Discuss RV and Vehicle Parking.  (City Attorney Martineck)
  7. Eide Bailly Audit Report at 4 PM.  (Courtney Richman)


8.28.2022 Mayor’s Message

Hello Everybody,

  • Great news, the levees are disappearing, YES!  Thank you to our Valley City Employees, the team of contractors & FEMA as removal is moving along nicely.  Citizens, please be patient as crews will be cleaning & seeding areas where levees were placed.
  • ** For your safety, please walk & jog facing traffic, DO NOT walk or jog with traffic.  If you are facing traffic you have an opportunity to get out of the way, if traffic is behind you, you have NO chance.  “Hi-vis” clothing adds greater safety.
  • Saturday the Dakota Riders held its “Hill Climb”.  There was a very nice crowd for the well-run event.  I saw a 63 year-old guy and a 7 year-old girl each challenge “the hill” and many other talented riders as well.  If you haven’t attended the hill climb event, consider attending next year.  Thank you again Dakota Riders.
  • Garbage pick-up; be sure to have your garbage “out” by 7:00 AM for pick-up.  Some days, times at your home may vary, but pick-up begins at 7:00 AM.  Thank you.
  • Good news for people looking to work.  Our City has an opening for a police officer and two other jobs are to be listed mid-week.  If you are looking for a good working environment and you qualify, please send a letter of interest to HR Director, PO Box 390.
  • This time of the year often has beautiful evenings.  Get out, walk, jog, bike or sit in your yard and enjoy the evening air.
  • Thank you to all who helped with topics & proofing again this week.
  •  “When you have exhausted all the possibilities, remember this: you haven’t”.                 (Thomas Edison)
  • Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers,


8.21.2022 Mayor’s Message

Hi Folks,

  • VCPS teachers have workshops Monday and Tuesday with classes beginning Wednesday this week.  Returning to school in the fall is an exciting time for rekindling relationships and resuming class work.
  • Safety; with school beginning many traffic patterns including cars, buses, bikes & pedestrians will be changing.  Please be aware some intersections will have heavier traffic and some roads will have traffic that wasn’t there during the summer.  Please be safe.
  • Next Saturday the 27th the Dakota Riders will host The Hill Climb that was postponed because of wet grounds during Rally in the Valley.  Registration is from 6 to 9 that morning with competition beginning at 10:00.  Thank you Dakota Riders & best wishes for great weather.
  • Breckenridge High School 50-year graduates have their Class Reunion on a Friday night followed by a School Reunion for all who have had their 50-Year Reunions the next night.  This year a gal from the class of 1937 attended, she is 103!!  Seemingly, conversations with former classmates & friends flow from where they left off years ago.  Please take advantage of any opportunity you have to reconnect with former classmates & friends; you’ll be glad you did.
  • Nostalgia:  **Cesar Tovar played all 9-positions in a MLB game between the Twins & the A’s.
  • Thank you to all who helped with topics & proofing again this week.
  •  “Knowing what is right doesn’t mean much unless you do what is right”.                       (Teddy Roosevelt)
  • Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers,


Construction Notice-8th Ave SW

Beginning August 22nd, 2022, construction will begin at the intersection of 8th Ave SW and Wintershow Road at the Petro Serve USA entrance. Concrete removal work will begin in this intersection and progress with curb widening and placement of new concrete pavement. The intersection will remain open while work is ongoing utilizing temporary gravel surfacing. A truck detour will be provided while work is occurring in the intersection.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

8.2.2022 Commission Minutes

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson via Zoom, Commissioner Erickson, Commissioner Bishop and Commissioner Gulmon

Others City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Richter, Administrative Assistant Johnson

Pledge of Allegiance

Making COnnections through Block Parties Proclamation

Approval of Agenda

No Changes.

Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve the minutes from July 19th, 2022 Commission Meeting, seconded by Commissioner Erickson.  Motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Consent Agenda

Approve Monthly Reports from the Fire Chief, Electrical Superintendent, Building Inspector Finance Director and Municipal Judge.

Approve Application for New Contractor License for J-Tech Mechanical, LLC for the period of June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023.

Approve Application for Raffle Permit for VCSU from August 15, 2022- June 30, 2023.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Bishop.  Motion passed unanimously.


Approve First Reading of Ordinance 1110, an Ordinance for Contractor Licenses.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve following state ordinance, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.

Roll Call:  Magnuson-nay         Erickson-aye    Bishop-aye       Gulmon-aye     Carlsrud-aye

Motion passed.

Approve First Reading of Ordinance 1111, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Subsection 17 of Section 14-10-49 of the Valley City Municipal Code Related to Parking in Public Parking Lots.

Commissioner moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Bishop.  Motion passed.

New Business

Approve Monthly Bills for the City and Public Works in the Amount of $1,295,553.85.

Finance Director provided breakdown of July expenses.

Approve Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Agreement with Barnes County.

City Attorney Martineck stated this is generally updating the previous agreement that was approved in 2014 with a couple of minor changes including the extraterritorial jurisdiction automatically extending if city limits are extended, providing a map to the county to keep them updated of the changes and providing language regarding subdivisions that are on the outskirts of the extraterritorial zone.

Commissioner Erickson moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Bishop. Motion passed unanimously.

Review Petition for Vacation of Four Bottle Drive and Approve for Further Consideration of Planning and Zoning Commissioner.

City Attorney Martineck stated there is currently a verbal agreement between the businesses on Four Bottle Drive and City Staff to vacate the length of that and turn if over to private ownership.  Details are being worked out but we wanted this approved so we can send it to PZ.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Erickson.  Motion passed unanimously.

Approve and Award Bid for Temporary Levee Removal.

Chad Petersen stated the bid opening was held on August 2nd and 2 bids were received with the low bid coming in at $827,079.97 by Scherbenske out of Jamestown.  Strata had the other bid at $991,811.60. Recommendation is to award the contract to Scherbenske.  Once that is awarded the contractor has to start work within 14 days and the clay removal has to be completed within 3 weeks and 2 weeks after that the topsoil, seeding and restoration has to be complete.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.  Motion passed unanimously.

Approve the City’s Selection to Purchase the DEF Tank Equipment from Dakota Plains Ag/CHS for the total of $1,872.24.

City Administrator Crawford stated this is in conjunction with another piece of the USDA grant but it took a while to get the bids in.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Erickson. Motion passed unanimously.

City Administrator’s Report

City Administrator Crawford reported after the work they did on Crestwood the supplies were $42,000 and the cost of the dig was $22,000 so we will work on getting that study done through our emergency manager.

City Updates & Commission Reports

City Assessor Hanson reported that next week is the State Equalization meeting in Bismarck and the annual conference and she and Tina will be attending.  There were no protests at the city or county meeting so we are expecting no issues.  Assessor Hansen stated that August 12th will be her official last day before retirement.

Chad Petersen from KLJ provided an update on 6th St. NW opened Thursday.  The seeding will take place when weather conditions are a little cooler. They did spray it with hydro mulch on there as an erosion measure.

12th St NW they are working on ADA ramps.  The concrete, mill and overlay will be done before August 20th. Once they are done with that concrete, they will move over to Petro to start on that portion of the project.

Commissioner Gulmon reported that the preliminary budget had been approved.  Thank you to all department heads and portfolio holders.  A lot of work has taken place to get to this point.  Special thanks to Avis, Brenda, Gwen and Mayor Carlsrud for sitting through all the workshop budget meetings that have taken place.

Commissioner Erickson reminded everyone to have their garbage out by 7:00 AM.  The Master Lift Station will be cleaned on the night of August 11 when water usage is already down but if possible, try to minimize usage beginning around 9:00 PM.

President Carlsrud mentioned that this has been the best budget process that he has experienced so than you to all that made that happen. Sunday the Fire Department had a day of activities for their families.  Thanks to the volunteers for all they do.  Thank you to Sandy for all of the years you’ve invested in the City of Valley City.


Meeting was adjourned at 5:29 P.M.