Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

9.26.2022 Special Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes

Chair Mike Schell presided and called the meeting to order 4:00pm on Monday, September 26th, 2022. Committee Members present: Dave Carlsrud, Jeff Erickson, Bill Carlblom, online Joe Faure and Bobby Keopplin, Absent James Wright.

Others: City Attorney Carl Martineck, City Administrator Gwen Crawford, City Planner Joel Quanbeck, Assessor/Acting Secretary Tina Current, City Engineer Chad Peterson (KLJ)

Audience members: George Gaukler, Jennifer Feist, Norberto Rivera

Public Hearing and consideration of variance to decrease rear yard setback, Lot 1, Block 1, Weiser’s Addition to the City of Valley.

Chair Schell opened the public hearing.

Norberto Rivera had some questions about the variance. Rivera questioned if this variance would affect his property. Mike Schell explain to Rivera the variance is just for one property Lot 1, Block 1 Weiser addition property. The variance was not for his parcel.

Dave Carlsrud moved to approve the variance, Bill Carlblom seconded followed by roll call and unanimous board approval.

Public Hearing regarding application to rezone Meadow View Estates subdivision, R-1 Single-Family Residential to R-4 Multi-Family Residential.

          Chair Schell opened the public hearing.

George Gaulker explain his original plan was to build single family homes, but with the cost increase he has change it to twinhomes. The twinhomes will be rental units. Gaulker will need the subdivision zoned as R-4 to be able to qualify for TIF financing. Schell said keep in mine if this is zoned R-4 Gaulker could put apartments in that area. Erickson is concerned about the infrastructure in that area Erickson said we don’t have enough infrastructure now, and is concerned if Gaulker would put apartments in that area. Carl Martineck said there will be a development agreement.

          Bill Carlblom made a motion. Carlsrud seconded the followed by roll call.

Roll Call:   Carlsrud – aye   Erickson – nay   Carlblom – aye   Faure – aye   Keopplin – aye

                   Schell – aye

Motion carried.


With no other items to discuss, Chair Schell called for the meeting to close at 5:12pm.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

9.13.2022 Planning and Zoning Minutes

Vice Chair James Wright presided and called the meeting to order 4:00pm on Tuesday, September 13th, 2022. Committee Members present: Dave Carlsrud, Jeff Erickson, Bobby Koepplin, and Bill Carlblom.

Others: City Attorney Carl Martineck, City Administrator Gwen Crawford, City Planner Joel Quanbeck, Assessor/Acting Secretary Tina Current, Building Inspector/ Assistant Fire Chief Lance Coit.

Audience members: City Engineer Chad Peterson (KLJ) Tracy Eslinger (Moore Engineering), Tim Logan, Derek Bear, Preston Bear, George Gaukler, and Jennifer Feist.

Bill Carlblom moved to approve the minutes of the August 9th, 2022 regular meeting seconded by Jeff Erickson. Motion passed unanimously.

Building Inspector Report

Building Inspector/Assistant Fire Chief Lance Coit gave a report. Coit reported since the last planning and zoning meeting there has been four permits for twin homes, a single-family home, couple decks, a sign, and a couple basement repairs.

Public Hearing regards an application to plat the Industrial Park Addition within the NE1/4 of Section 20, Twp140N, Rng 58W of the 5th PM in Valley City, ND The land proposed to be platted is between the BSNF Railroad ROW and 12th Street NW. If approved, the result will be creation of five lots for commercial and industrial development with access onto 12th Street NW

Vice Chair James Wright opened the public hearing.

Bobby Koepplin asked it if this wasn’t formally platted before. Carl Martineck responded that is correct. The plat was prepared in the past, but was never submitted to the recorder’s office for final recoding.

Koepplin moved to approve subject to Martineck’s approval of the language, Erickson seconded followed by roll call and unanimous board approval. 

Public Hearing for Variance application at 646 6th Ave SW for construction of garage in the floodplain

Preston and Derek Bear spoke to the board about their request when building a garage. Joel Quanbeck provided information on the criteria that needs to be meet to build a garage in the floodplain. Quanbeck recommendation was to build 20 inches below required evaluation, but include flood gates to meet FEMA requirements.

 Bill Carlblom moved to approve the variance with a foot lower than standard level, but include the     flood proofing that meets FEMA requirements. Dave Carlsrud seconded followed by roll call and unanimous board approval.

Public Hearing for Valley City Comprehensive and Transportation Plan

Joel Quanbeck provided a Power Point to help explain the Comprehensive and Transportation plan.

Quanbeck explained that anticipated development south of Meadow View Estates and Tvedt Subdivision in the southwest quarter of Section 27 is in an area identified as rural development by the Comprehensive Plan.   The Rural Land Use Category designates development at a density of 1 unit for 5 acres.  Approval of development in this area at a different density should start by amending the Comprehensive Plan.  In addition to changes in the future land use map, other potential areas of the Comprehensive Plan needing review and possible amendment include:

  • The future transportation network
  • Extension of sewer and water trunklines
  • Providing for future parks, recreation and trails needs
  • And considering implications for other land uses. 

Joel reviewed details pertaining to all these topics.  He highlighted the following key points:

  • Strong consideration should be given to extending the future functionally classified road that is the south section line of Section 27 all the way to the Kathryn Road.
  • Sewage treatment capacity is not a problem, but there are bottlenecks where trunkline capacity may be limited and sewage collection trunk lines and lift stations should be evaluated for the most cost-efficient long-range plan for serving the entire growth area south of I-94.
  • Water supply capacity is not an issue, but it is important to have an overall strategy to ensure looped systems and sufficient pressure for firefighting to serve the entire growth area south of I-94.
  • Consideration should be given to a revised land use plan that encourages limited but appropriate retail and service businesses in the area south of I-94 because the eventual population in that part of the city could be more than half the current population of Valley City.
  • The issue of appropriate requirements for parks and recreation and trails facilities has been discussed by the planning commission several times in the last two years.  The Comprehensive Plan illustrates that there are no parks and recreation facilities or trails close enough to serve the study area. In order to maintain the existing parks and recreation level of service a plan to provide these facilities should be created to address anticipated residential development. At a minimum there should be a park with basic playground and open space within a quarter mile of all residences. Where there is high level of multi-family development there is a need for higher levels of parks and open space.  Additionally, there should be a trail and sidewalk system allowing access to parks, schools, neighborhood commercial centers, and linkages to the greater trails system of Valley City.

The following points were made by the Planning and Zoning Commission members and the public:

  • There is a powerline easement area within the proposed area for development that may serve as a possible location for open space/parks/trails to serve the development.
  • Consideration should be given to whether it would be better to develop a second lagoon system that would serve the area south of I-94.
  • There are significant existing and even more potential issues related to stormwater management that should be addressed when considering additional development south of I-94. 
  • George Gaukler spoke after Quanbeck Power Point. Gaukler explained he has land available to provide the needed green space in the new development.
  • Tim Logan spoke on his concern with all the storm water coming from the new development is causing problems already



With no other items to discuss, Vice Chair Wright called for the meeting to close at 5:23pm.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

8.9.2022 Planning and Zoning Minutes

Chair Mike Schell presided and called the meeting to order 4:00pm on Tuesday, August 9th, 2022. Committee Members present: Dave Carlsrud, Jim Wright, Jeff Erickson, Bobby Koepplin, Joe Faure and Bill Carlblom.

Others: City Attorney Carl Martineck, City Administrator Gwen Crawford, City Planner Joel Quanbeck, Acting Secretary Brandy Johnson, Building Inspector/ Assistant Fire Chief Lance Coit.

Jim Wright moved to approve the minutes of the July 12 , 2022 regular meeting seconded by Bill Carlblom, followed by roll call and approval.

Building Inspector Report

Building Inspector Mike Blevins had sent an email of the year to date permit report and there were no questions.

Public Hearing to Replat Land Located West of 8th Avenue SE and South of 10th St Se in Valley City. The land includes all of Meadow View Estates within th Se ¼ of Section 27, Twp 140N, Rng 58W of the 5th PM. Rezone from R1 to R2.

Chair Schell opened the public hearing.

Bobby Koepplin asked who was responsible for the snow removal and if Public Works Departments were okay with the proposal. Martineck stated they were mailed notices. Koepplin asked if the corner lot, block 4, if that was a set aside property? Mike Strom stated block 4 lot 1, will have 2 front yard set backs along with a side yard/rear yard setback leaving a tiny triangle which is essentially not buildable for a house. Not saying it couldn’t be used for something else though. Joel stated he planned to speak with the Parks and Recs Director. One of the things he has heard for this area is for it to be used as a potential dog park. There is not a plan at this time for the use of this property.

Koepplin moved to approve replat and rezone as presented, Carlsrud seconded followed by roll call and unanimous board approval.

Yard Requirements Text Amendment                    

Joel Quanbeck provided a PowerPoint and stated he would like to discuss the topic of front yards and presented changes to the code to allow more consistency.

Bobby Koepplin moved to approve a due pass recommendation on yard requirements text amendment to the City of Valley City, Carlblom seconded followed by roll call and unanimous board approval.

Joel Quanbeck also added for discussion that an application for a variance came through for Bear to build a garage that doesn’t meet the 1-foot above the base elevation requirement. It was not here in time for the agenda so the applicant is requesting a special meeting. After discussion it was decided that Lance Coit would do some more research and try to reach someone at the state level. After that they will decide if a meeting is necessary.


With no other items to discuss, Chair Schell called for the meeting to close at 4:36pm.

10.9.2022 Mayor’s Message

“Greetings Everyone,

  • Will you help?  There have been some acts of vandalism in our area recently.  Will you please stop?
  • Last Thursday night there was a “hard frost” which caused certain varieties of trees to drop their leaves.  That there was no wind, leaves landed peacefully in circles under trees.  There was a plethora of beautiful sights around town and, oh ya, lot’s of leaves to pick up.
  • The demand for peace officers around our area and state is grave.  One place you can learn about the need is at our Police Station and another is Lake Region State College (LRSC).  See www.lrsc.edu to learn of upcoming academies.
  • Recycling is important for our environment and because transferring our garbage to dump sites is becoming more expensive, we are battling price increases.  You can help, please be part of the solution.  
  • Over the weekend Sue and I were isolated due to positive tests for COVID.  Sue had some symptoms for a couple days though I was asymptomatic, we are doing fine and are grateful.  This week we’ll have some days of masking when around people to complete the protocol.  
  • There are a number of city committees, boards and a commission on which one can serve Valley City and its citizens.  People serving are from all walks of life, parents, business owners, just like many of you.  Thank  you to all who take time to serve and I invite “you” to serve. Contact Brandy @ 845-8125.
  • A little health note, research shows walking is beneficial for our health.  Think about going to the store; park a block away, park at the farthest corner of the lot or just walk to the store.  Consider walking even if it is just a little.
  • Thank you to all who helped with topics and proofing again this week. 
  • “We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.”                                                                                                                               (Ronald Reagan)
  • Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers, 


Dave Carlsrud 

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

9.20.2022 Commission Minutes

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Erickson and Commissioner Gulmon

Others City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Deputy Auditor Richter, Administrative Assistant Johnson

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Agenda

Add NB3

Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve the minutes from the September 6th, 2022 Finance and Commission Meetings seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Consent Agenda

Approve Special Alcohol Beverage Event Application for The Captains Pub on October 1st, 2022 from 6 PM to 1 AM for a Wedding Reception held at Economy Storage located at 960 15th Ave SW.

Approve Block off the Street Application for the following

 VCPD for a VCSU Training Exercise on October 11, 2022 at 2 PM.

Connect Church Trunk or Treat on October 31, 2022 from 3 PM-6 PM.

Approve New Tobacco License Application for The Clubhouse Lounge.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.  Motion passed unanimously.

Public Hearing

Public Hearing for 2023 City Budget.

President Carlsrud declared the public hearing open.

There were no public comments.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon. Motion passed unanimously. 

Approve First Reading of Ordinance No. 1116. an Ordinance Adopting the 2023 City Budget.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Erickson.

Public Hearing regarding Special Assessments Projects: Paving Improvement District No. 119, Paving Improvement District No. 119B, Paving Improvement District No. 120, Storm Sewer Improvement District No. 52, Sanitary Sewer Improvement District No. 64, and Water Main Improvement District No. 100.

President Carlsrud declared the public hearing open.

There were no public comments.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Erickson. Motion passed unanimously.

Approve Special Assessments as recommended by the Special Assessment Commission for Paving Improvement District No. 119, Paving Improvement District No. 119B, Paving Improvement District No. 120, Storm Sewer Improvement District No. 52, Sanitary Sewer Improvement District No. 64, and Water Main Improvement District No. 100

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Erickson.  Motion passed unanimously.


Approve Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 1112, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Subsection 4 of Section 8-06-06, Subsection 5 of Section 8-06-16, and Sections 11-02-08, 11-06-07, and 11-06-20 of the Valley City Municipal Code Related to Location of Plantings and Fences in Yards.

City Attorney Martineck stated the purpose of this ordinance is to clarify where plantings and fences can be placed on a lot. The reference point for the corner triangle where you wouldn’t be able to plant or build a fence is 30 feet from the corner of the property line rather than 30 feet from the corner of the street.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion passed unanimously.

Approve Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 1108, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact sections 8-07-02, 11-06-16, 14, 10-49, and 14-35-04 of the Valley City Municipal Code Related to Parking.

City Attorney Martineck stated the one change since the first reading is in section 8-07-02 subsection c is recreational vehicles can be parked in private garages but only one outside of the private garage subject to the conditions in the section.

Al Schuldt commented as he allows his neighbor to park their RV in front of his house to avoid causing a bottle neck and requested a permit or some type of approval in certain circumstances.

Tammy Kleinmann also provided comments.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to table, seconded by Commissioner Erickson.  Motion passed unanimously.

Approve Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 1114, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Section 14-06.1-06 of the Valley City Municipal Code related to Fees for Noncriminal Traffic Violations.

City Attorney Martineck stated no changes from the first reading.  This is an administrative change clarifying that speeding violations are also doubled in city limits.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.

Roll Call:          Magnuson-aye  Erickson-nay    Gulmon-aye     Carlsrud-aye

Motion passed.


Approve Resolution 2373, a Resolution Approving Plat of Industrial Park Addition.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon. Motion passed unanimously.  

New Business

Approve Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) Application for Valley City Permanent Flood Protection and Authorize Payment.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.  Motion passed unanimously.

Consider Offer to Purchase Parcel 63-3440047.

City Administrator Crawford explained that Dave Zubrod has put in an offer to buy both 63-3440047 and 63-3450012 together for $55,000.

City Administrator Crawford clarified that the abstract will be at Dave Zubrod’s expense.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve with the signed date of the purchase agreement being completed by September 30th and closed by October 30th, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.  Motion passed unanimously.

Consider Purchasing a 2013 E-One Pumper Truck to replace the 1992 E-One Pumper Truck.

Fire Chief Magnuson stated this truck is on the list to be replaced. We were offered a grant for $80,000 to purchase a new truck but we declined as that amount on a new truck doesn’t really do much.  This truck became available due to them consolidating with another department so are getting rid of some.

Commissioner Gulmon motioned to approve the purchase up to $250,000, seconded by Commissioner Erickson.  Motion passed unanimously.

City Administrator’s Report

City Administrator Crawford requested City Attorney Martineck do an amendment on the agenda for the land purchase on NB2.

City Attorney Martineck stated we will need the land purchase as a Resolution.

Commissioner Magnuson motioned to amend the agenda approving the sale of 63-3440047 and 63-3450012 as resolution 2374, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.  Motion passed unanimously.

City Administrator Crawford reported that we received the bids for the Police Department and are hoping to have the bids on the October 4th meeting.

We are out trying to work through the issues with the properties that had damage.

City Updates & Commission Reports

Chad Petersen from KLJ reported that everything on the clay removal cleanup has pretty much been taken care of other than some properties with some damage. 6th St NW is scheduled to be seeded this week. 8thAve/12th St is being wrapped up. Pavement marking is scheduled Thursday and Friday of this week. There is a Public Input meeting for the 2nd Ave/3rd Street Reconstruction project.

Mayor Carlsrud thanked city staff and commissioners for serving.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:18 P.M.

10.2.2022 Mayor’s Message

“Hi Everyone,

  •  This past week produced numerous tragedies and hardships. The horrifying happenings in the Ukraine and Hurricane Ian have resulted in deaths, life threatening injuries and destruction.  Please pray for all those who are less fortunate.
  • * Valley City is a Municipal Power Community and this week the American Public Power Assn. (APPA) celebrates “Public Power Week”.
  • Thank you to all our local business owners and employees who work to serve Valley City and the greater Barnes County Area.  Remember, of every $1 spent in a locally owned business, about 76 cents remains in the community.
  • The November elections are drawing near and voting is our right and responsibility.  Research the candidates’ records; beliefs and political philosophies so each of you can be “informed voters”.  The well-being of our local, county, state and federal governments is in our hands as voters. 
  • We have a great group of employees working for the city and citizens of Valley City.  Thank you to all as you move forward, with continuing pride in your work.
  • Flu and COVID shots are available at clinics and City County Health in Valley City; call one to make your appointment.
  • Thank you to all who helped with topics and proofing again this week.
  •  “A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.”                                          (Jackie Robinson)
  • Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers,


Agenda Available

10.4.2022 Commission Agenda

The City Commission Meeting will begin on Tuesday, October 4th at 5:00 PM CT, at the City Commission Chambers, 254 2nd Avenue NE, Valley City, ND.

The meeting is also available to view online https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88603412283 or listen by calling (1 346 248 7799) Webinar ID:  886 0341 2283.

Call To Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance (please stand)

Proclamation For Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Award Presentation

Matt Gardner, North Dakota League of Cities Executive Director, to present the Appointed Official of the Year Award to Avis Richter.

Approval of Agenda

Approval of Minutes

Approve Minutes from the September 20, 2022 Commission Meeting.

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve Monthly Reports from the Fire Chief, Electrical Superintendent, Building Inspector, Finance Director and Municipal Judge.
  2. Approve Applications for Contractor, Electrician, Plumber and/or Mechanical Contractor Licenses for the following:
    • ACB Construction
    • HSS & PT2-Sun and Pool Corp.
    • Travis Kunze Construction
    • Your Home Improvement Company
    • Hi-Line Construction, Inc.
    • Morton Buildings, Inc.
    • Olaf Anderson Construction, Inc.
    • Rick Bredeson Construction
    • Northland Sheds Inc.
    • Valley Realty, Inc.
    • Ground Works Minn, LLC
    • Six D Construction & Development
    • Mike’s Construction & Repair
    • Bridgetown Builders Inc.
    • Hobart’s Handymen
    • Lavelle Flooring Inc.
    • C&D Home Renovation, LLC
    • Thrifty Services Inc,
    • TNT Plumbing
  3. Approve Application to Block off Street from the Valley City Parks & Recreation on October 29th, 2022 from 5:30 PM to 7:15 PM for Halloween Drive thru Trunk or Treat.
  4. Approve Raffle Application for the following:
    1. St. Catherine’s School on November 4, 2022 at the Eagles.
    1. ND Hereford Association on December 3, 2022 at the ND Winter Show Building. 
    1. Trinity Lutheran Church Women of the ELCA on November 5, 2022 at Trinity Lutheran Church.
  5. Approve Application for Tree Trimming and Removal Service License for Kieffer Tree.

Roll Call:    Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Carlsrud

Public Comments

Attorney General’s “A Citizen’s Guide to North Dakota Open Records & Open Meetings Laws” *A member of the public does not have the right to speak to the governing body at an open meeting.  The public is only entitled to see and hear what happens at a meeting, and to record or broadcast those observations.

  • No personal attacks to persons present or not
  • No inflammatory language used during time that you have the platform
  • 5-minute maximum or as directed by the chair
  • Thank you for participating in City Government.


  1.  Approve Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 1116, an Ordinance Adopting the 2023 City Budget.  (Finance Director Richter)

Roll Call:    Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Carlsrud

2. Approve First Reading of Ordinance 1117, an Ordinance to Amend Zoning Map and Rezone Meadow View Estates Addition from R-1 Single-Family Residential to R-4 Multi-Family Residential.  (City Attorney Martineck)

Roll Call:    Gulmon           Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Carlsrud   

New Business

N1. Approve Monthly Bills for the City and Public Works in the Amount of $          

Roll Call:    Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Carlsrud

N2. Consider Valley City-Barnes County Development Corporation request for funds in the amount of $137,500. (Jennifer Feist)

Roll Call:    Gulmon           Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Carlsrud

N3. Approve Recommended Changes to the Stilling Well.  (City Administrator Crawford)

Roll Call:    Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Magnuson        Carlsrud

N4.  Approve Final Review and Acceptance for 7th Ave. NW & 2nd Ave NE Reconstruction Project (Paving 119/119B, Storm Sewer 52, Sanitary Sewer 64 and Water Main 100).  (City Engineer)

Roll Call:    Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Carlsrud

Agenda Available

10.4.2022 Finance Agenda

 The City Commission Meeting will begin on Tuesday, October 4th at 2:30 PM CT, at the City Commission Chambers, 254 2nd Avenue NE, Valley City, ND. 

Members of the public may view the meeting online https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86923227984 or listen by calling (1 346 248 7799) Webinar ID: 869 2322 7984

Call to Order

Roll Call

Agenda items

  1.  Commission Topics
    1. Discuss Contractor Licenses
    1. Discuss Single Family Dwellings being used as Multi Family Dwellings.
    1. Discuss Parking Ordinance 1108.
  2. Department reports.
    1. Sanitation Department
    1. Water Department
    1. Electric Department
    1. Fire Department
    1. Police Department
    1. Street Department
    1. Administration
  3. Review monthly bills/reports (10 minutes) – (Finance Director Richter)

4.  Fire Extinguisher Services Financial Report.  (Fire Chief Magnuson)

5.  Discuss Stilling Well.  (City Administrator Crawford)

6.  Discuss 8th Ave SE Expansion-Request to Fund Partial Road.  (City Administrator Crawford)

7.  Discuss Public Works Rate Increases.  (Public Works Manager Jacobson)

8.  Update on Viking Trailer Court.  (City Administrator Crawford)

9.  Discuss Replat of Metes and Bounds.  (City Administrator Crawford)

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

9.6.2022 Commission Meeting Minutes

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Erickson, Commissioner Bishop and Commissioner Gulmon

Others City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Deputy Auditor Klein, Administrative Assistant Johnson

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Agenda

Changed ORD 1 to a Public Hearing

Add N8

Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve the minutes from the August 16, 2022 Commission seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Consent Agenda

Approve Monthly Reports from the Fire Chief, Electrical Superintendent, Building Inspector, Finance Director and Municipal Judge.

Approve Application for Raffle for the following:

  • Barnes County Senior Citizens Council from the dates of September 9, 2022 to June 30, 2023 at the Barnes County Senior Center.
  • Valley City Lions Club on September 20, 2022 at the Eagles Club.
  • Valley City USBC Association from the dates of November 13, 2022 to May 7, 2023

Approve Application to Block off Central Ave from 3rd St. SW to 4th St. SW for a 100th Anniversary Celebration at Connect Church on October 8, 2022 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Approve Application for Parade for VCSU Homecoming on September 17, 2022 at 10:30 am.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.  Motion passed unanimously.

Public Hearing

Public Hearing for Meadow View Estates

President Carlsrud declared the public hearing open.

There were no public comments.

Commissioner Bishop moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. Motion passed unanimously. 

Approve First Reading of Ordinance 1113, an Ordinance to Rezone and Amend Zoning Map (Meadow View Estates).

This will change this from R1 to R2 which was recommended by Planning and Zoning.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. Motion passed unanimously.


Approve First Reading of Ordinance 1112, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Subsection 4 of Section 8-06-06, Subsection 5 of Section 8-06-16, and Sections 11-02-08, 11-06-07, and 11-06-20 of the Valley City Municipal Code Related to Location of Plantings and Fences in Yards.

City Attorney Martineck stated the originally came before the PZ Commission as a variance when someone wanted to put a fence on a corner lot in a front yard.  The issue is the definition of what is considered a front yard on a corner lot.  PZ is recommending instead of having two front yards, you have a front lot line where your residential address is and you have secondary lot line where it is facing the street.  There would be restrictions on placement.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion passed unanimously.

Approve Frist Reading of Ordinance 1108, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact sections 8-07-02, 11-06-16, 14, 10-49, and 14-35-04 of the Valley City Municipal Code Related to Parking.

City Attorney Martineck stated we will do more work on 11-06-16 prior to the second reading. At this time the most changes that took place were changes to the RV parking section and setting the parking at 72 hours to make it more consistent with our other parking ordinances.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion passed unanimously.

Approve First Reading of Ordinance 1114, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Section 14-06.1-06 of the Valley City Municipal Code related to Fees for Noncriminal Traffic Violations.

City Attorney Martineck stated this is to separate speeding violations from the definition of moving violation which is consistent with state code.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.

Roll Call:          Magnuson-aye  Erickson-nay    Gulmon-aye     Bishop-aye       Carlsrud-aye

Motion passed.


Approve Resolution 2372, a Resolution Approving the Sale of GE Transformer No. F961679.

Commissioner Erickson moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. Motion passed unanimously. 

New Business

Approve Monthly Bills for the City and Public Works in the Amount of $2,355,850.48.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.  Motion passed unanimously.

Approve Appointing Brenda Klein as Finance Director for Valley City as of August 11, 2023.

City Administrator Crawford explained that Finance Director Richter has set her retirement date as August 11, 2023.  Appointing Brenda Klein as the Finance Director is the plan of succession to help with a smooth transition.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.  Motion passed unanimously.

Approve Appointing Brandy Johnson as Deputy Auditor for Valley City as of August 11, 2023.\

City Administrator Crawford stated this is another step in the succession plan.  We are doing this now to allow for proper training and hire on a replacement for Brandy in the spring and allow some training for that too.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. Motion passed unanimously.

Approve Site Authorization for ND Wildlife Federation at the at the Valley City Eagles Club on April 1, 2023.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Erickson.  Motion passed unanimously.

Consider Valley City-Barnes County Development Corporation Request for Funds in the Amount of $20,000 for Small Projects Funding.

Jennifer Feist stated this is an annual request for paying some of the property taxes on the industrial and technology park.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Bishop.  Motion passed unanimously.

Consider Valley City-Barnes County Development Request for Funds in the Amount of $60,000 per year for 3 years from October 1, 2022-Septmeber 30, 2025.

Jennifer Feist stated this is to support the recruiting and retention position.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Bishop. Motion passed unanimously.

Approve 2021 Eide Bailly Audit Report.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion passed unanimously.

Authorize City Staff to Negotiate and enter into Agreement with KLJ for the Purchase of Equipment for the Elks Building.

City Administrator Crawford stated this is to correct the issue by the Elks building.  This is so we will purchase the materials for warranty purposes and get reimbursed by KLJ.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion passed unanimously.

City Administrator’s Report

City Administrator Crawford reported that our flood wall was hit last week. KLJ will have a structural engineer do an assessment and will determine at that time if anything further is needed.

Viking Court is supposed to have a resolution of how we are going to do the first stage by fall. Interstate Engineering is working on some design adjustments due to delivery and price concerns however they believe the complete storm drainage will be done this year.

City Updates & Commission Reports

Deputy Auditor Klein stated on September 14th there will be a special assessment hearing for 7th Ave N and 2nd Ave NE and also Central Ave South that was in conjunction with Streetscape II.

Police Chief Hatcher stated there will be a parade on Thursday heading northbound for the Summer Vikes on Central and encouraged participation.

Chad Petersen from KLJ provided an update on construction projects. 12th St N pavement marking is being wrapped up and one last driveway that is being worked on.  Petro south half is complete and will switched to the north half next week. Marking will be complete the end of September.  The clay removal is complete, top soil is complete and the seeding will be taken care of in the next few weeks. 6th Street seeding will be taken care of soon; the contractor did spray for weeds so in the next week or so they will take care of the seeding.

Commissioner Gulmon reported the cashflows are strong and reserves are within policy. The city received the final disbursement of the American Rescue Plan funds which are limited to infrastructure projects.  Sales Tax revenue was down about 4.5% and the Food and Beverage Tax was up about 6%, the Hotel Occupancy Tax was up about 14% and the highway tax was up about 2%.

Commissioner Erickson reported that Dustin in Public Works received his CDL.

Mayor Carlsrud thanked Jennifer for all she does and the team that helped with the audit. Brenda and Brandy, thank you for stepping up in the succession plan.  School is back in session and traffic patterns change so please be careful and safe and encouraged attendance at Summer Nights on Central.


Meeting was adjourned at 5:37 P.M.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

9.6.2022 Finance Meeting Minutes

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commission Erickson, and Commissioner Gulmon

Others Present:  City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Richter, Administrative Assistant Johnson

Department Reports

Sanitation Department

Operations Superintendent Klemisch reported that Dustin passed his test and received his CDL and Cameron passed the general knowledge portion. Gloria has started teaching the Class B CDL.  Reminder to have your garbage out by 7 AM and thanks to all that have used the grass site and kept it clean this year.

City Administrator Crawford explained the reason we are not able to accept shingles that have not been tested for asbestos is because of the way we are permitted. Not all cities are permitted the same and some may be able to take them without being tested.

Street Department

Operations Superintendent Klemisch reported the annual cleaning of the master lift station is done and working on cleaning all other lift stations. There are a few curb-stops repairs that will be fixed and a fire hydrant that needs replacing.  Painting has been in process and working on trees.  Salt has been ordered and new pickup is in.

Water Department

Water Superintendent Hesch reported water use has gone down.

Electric Department

Electrical Superintendent Senf reported 1 outage due to bad underground. Purple lamps are being swapped. We received 3 bids on selling the used transformer. Recommendation is to let the transformer sit on our property for a year and we get $60,000 which is an additional $40,000 than the bids received and it’s not hurting anything where it sits.

Fire Department

Fire Chief Magnuson reported on the fire report for August. Trucks all passed pumper test, the one is border line so will need to be replaced soon. There will be an active shooter drill taking place at the college on the 22nd.

Police Department

Police Chief Hatcher reported they are still hiring and have received zero applications. Calls have picked up recently with college being back in session.  Ford has delayed building the car again.

Review monthly bills/reports

Finance Director Richter reported $2,355,850.48 of expenditures for July.

Discuss Utility Fund

City Administrator Crawford stated there was a request to allow people to “round-up” on their utility bills in order to allow those funds to be donated to elderly people that are having issues paying their bills.

Eide Bailly Audit Report at 4PM

Courtney Richman presented the audit findings giving the city a “clean” report.

Update on Elks Building

Chad Petersen updated that at this point we are in position to order the materials and then revise the plan documents to show that the materials are owned and on had by the city.

Update on Lead Line Inventory& Replacement

Tracy Eslinger provided an update that the cost share for the project has changed requiring the city to cover more so at this time we are waiting on a grant to continue.

Discuss RV and Vehicle Parking

City Attorney Martineck stated the change to the RV parking is that they would be allowed from April 1-Sepetmber 30 but no longer than 14 days and are still subject to any other parking and traffic rules and be parked in front of their own residence.

We also cleaned up the ordinance so there was consistency.

After discussion, decision was made to have further discussion on some areas of the ordinance.


The meeting was adjourned at ­4:50 PM.