9/14/2020 Mayor’s Message

Hello Valley City and Barnes County!

  • Good news, our schools are under way.  Though there are challenges with reconvening, so far they have been manageable.  With students and school employees, VCPS and VCSU have about 2750 people so overseeing is a huge task.  Thank you all who are working to keep our schools safe for all.
  • * We have only a couple weeks remaining to be counted in Census 2020.  Please be counted!  Each person counted will generate over $19,000 and will determine our districts’ of representation.  AND it is safe.
  • Last week our Risk Level was raised to Yellow (I mistakenly said Orange last week, I apologize) and while we have had a couple low reports, positives are escalating.  Some folks have been asymptomatic, but some have become very ill and it is no fun!  Let’s be aware and protect each other as it takes a team.
  • * Please read this paragraph.  Along with hygiene and social distancing, masks help immensely.  For “masking up” to be effective, one does NOT have to wear the mask every-minute! Social distance, but if you cannot social distance, “mask up”, #MaskUpND.  For instance if business owners would request employees and customers to “mask up” when the social distance cannot be achieved, it will be a positive contribution to our battle.
  • One of our local legislators always says our area has a “Can Do” attitude and we need to “Join Hands” to make things happen.  That said, let’s work together with efforts to move our Risk Level from Yellow to Green.
  • When you are good to others, you are best to yourself.”                (Poor Richard’s Almanac, 1748)

     Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,



Posted in Announcements, Covid-19.