9.3.2024 Finance Minutes

City Commission Finance Meeting

Valley City, North Dakota

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

2:30 PM

Called to Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 2:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Erickson

Member absent: Commissioner Gulmon

Other present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Klein, Police Chief Horner, Administrative Assistant Hintz

Commission Topics

President Carlsrud started the discussion on the current logos used by the City. It was a consensus of the Commissioners to move ahead using the City of Valley City logo for all departments. Department name can be listed beneath the logo. We will not be replacing all the current logos, but as we purchase new or repair, the logo will be updated. 

Department Reports

Sanitation Department

Sanitation Supervisor Swart went over the Container Count Report as well as shared the process for when you believe that your container was missed. Please remember to wait until 3:00 before calling in to Public Works and reporting. Reminder, please do not park in front of the large business dumpsters.

Water Department

Water Superintendent Hesch reported on the great news that in the 20 samples sent into the State for Lead & Copper testing, there was no lead found! He also reported that water usage is down from the previous years.  

Electric Department

Electrical Superintendent Senf reported only 2 outages last month. His Crew is very busy with upgrading elevator services.

Fire Department

Fire Chief Magnuson went over his Calls for Service Report. There were 12 calls. The trucks have all passed pumper testing with the ladder truck needing one minor repair. Discussion was had on the current alarm system, back up & repeaters.  

Police Department

Police Chief Horner went over his Calls for Service Report. There were 670 calls. Gearing up for the school year and the SRO is taking some evacuation training. There were two openings in the department, 1 applicant will be in training this fall with another applicant in the process to possibly train this fall if the paperwork gets completed.

Street Department

Operations Supervisor Klemisch shared that the annual Master Lift Station cleaning is complete and the NDDEQ annual inspection of the sanitary systems is done and complements were given. The well on 6th Ave NE & 8th St NE was capped.


Administrator Crawford asked Public Works Accountant Jacobson to discuss the purchase of two garbage trucks from the City of Jamestown and then we would turn around and lease the trucks to Valley Recycling. We currently have two other lease agreements with Valley Recycling. The Commissioners consensus was to go ahead with this purchase.

Finance Director Klein shared the information she received from the Bank of ND on the Service Center Loans. She also stated that there will be Special Assessment Notices going in the mail for the week of the 9th on the reconstruction project happening on 3rd and 2nd.

New Items

Finance Director Klein shared with the Commissioners that they will need to designate prior to the end of 2024, with a motion, how they plan to use the ARPA Funds. It was decided that the funds should be used towards Public Works salaries in 2025. This will be added to the 9.17.2024 Commission Meeting Agenda.

City Assessor Current reported on the 2024 Assessments, her processes for valuations, and if the Commissioners would be interested in hiring the Vangaard Company to come in and do a city-wide assessment. No decision will be made until after the voting in November. Current will ask a few more questions of Vangaard and bring her answers back to the Commissioners. She also shared that the Primary Resident Tax credit for $500.00 for 2024 will be available for next year as well.

City Administrator Crawford shared information on the changes to the requirements for the Renaissance Zone, longer terms and higher amounts. Crawford let the Commissioners know that they have an option to add and change Islands in the Zone. She will put together a proposal for the next meeting.

Commissioner Erickson, City Administrator Crawford, Electrical Superintendent Senf and Operations Supervisor Klemisch shared the latest plans for the new Service Center. They explained the needs of the departments and the layout plan. They shared a list of items that could be removed to save some funds but only a couple of these items were not necessities. The consensus of the Commissioners was to not hold back to save now only to need an item next year. Build to the needs of those departments now. The plan is to keep the project under $15 Million.

VCBCDC Jennifer Feist discussed the need for natural gas on the south side of interstate and the cost associated with getting it there. She asked the Commission for $200K out of Sales Tax Funds designated for economic development to put towards the project.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:57 PM.

Posted in Announcements, City Commission, Finance Meeting Minutes.