1.2.2024 Mayor’s Message



  • Hello Everyone,
  • Happy New Year to you, your family and friends.  I hope your New Year celebration was pleasing for each of you and wish you the best with any resolutions you may have made. 
  • Valley City is a great place to live and visit.  A few years ago, it was named “The Most Beautiful City in North Dakota” so it is pleasing to the eye and you people are great!   Thank you.  There are times when I am guilty of seeing the things that need fixing (negative me!) instead of all the beauty and positive things with which we are Blessed.  Some things to see in Valley City are:
    • Visit the 30-acre Medicine Wheel Park, it is amazing and has a great view of the city.  See:  https://www.vcsu.edu/about-vcsu/campus-facilities/medicine-wheel-park/ Remember to visit Pioneers, Veterans, City and Chautauqua Parks too.
    • Valley City is built around the meandering Sheyenne River, we have eight historic bridges with interpretive plaques for quick reads.  Near many of the bridges are lush green spaces and parks for your enjoyment. See:  https://www.valleycitytourism.com/post/what-is-the-historic-bridges-tour-and-what-can-you-see-on-it
    • Cruise the Sheyenne Scenic Byway.  It is a national award-winning 63-mile drive in the Sheyenne Valley with parks and bridges to visit along the way.  See: https://www.valleycitytourism.com/scenic-byway
    • The North Country National Scenic Hiking Trail is another option here. The trail meanders through the Sheyenne Valley across rolling hills, forests, prairies and through Valley City.  See: https://northcountrytrail.org/trail/north-dakota/srv/
  • Sometimes I am guilty of looking afar before seeing what I have in my own back yard!  Don’t let it happen to you, get out and appreciate the amenities with which we are Blessed in and around Valley City.
  • Thanks to all who provide and proof material for this article.                     
  • Leadership is not about forcing your will on others. It is about mastering the art of letting go.”          ~ Phil Jackson                                                                             

                                                  Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful,


Dave Carlsrud

Posted in Announcements.