2.13.2022 Mayor’s Message

Hello Folks,

  • The Super Bowl game “kept people in their seats”.   I hope you all had fun and have “recovered”.
  • While it seems eons ago, I am remembering the nice weather we enjoyed in November and December; I am grateful we had it.  Now, having weeks of snow and cold, that time is more distant, but days are getting longer and the sun’s rays are getting stronger so we can be grateful a warmer season is nearer.
  • Be careful on the river, as there is water being released from the dam, there is water run-off from last week’s melting and the river currents causing constant change in ice thickness. Good luck to you folks who are fishing.
  • The AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am was played recently with a local flavor.  Tom Hoge, the winner graduated from Fargo South High School and Dick Gulmon celebrated his 19th year of volunteering at the event.  Congratulations to both. J   For more on Tom, see: https://ndhsaa.com/news/1849/fargo-south-grad-tom-hoge-wins-att-pebble-beach-pro-am
  • February 21st is Presidents’ Day and our country honors all who have served as United States President.  It seems to me a person’s presidency would require huge sacrifices and commitment by their families.  Thank you to all the families who supported the presidents.
  • Thank you to contributors again this week.
  • “Every post is honorable in which a person can serve our country.”            (George Washington)                                                                                                    Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers,


Posted in Announcements.