10.31.2021 Mayor’s Message

Greetings Folks,

  • Hasn’t it been a beautiful fall?  With the early winter type weather we have had in recent years, this is enjoyable.  The air is clear and fresh, try to get out and enjoy.
  • Our dog Mindy’s license expired the other day so we renewed it at the VCPD.  With so many dogs utilizing the dog park, licensing is a safety factor for all as current vaccinations are required.  So, please license your pet(s).
  • Next Sunday morning, November 7th, Daylight Savings Time ends for this year.  We’ll have a bit more light in the morning, but it will be rather dark shortly after 5:00 in the afternoon.   
  • That Sue, our dog and I walk often, we want to say “thank you” as more and more drivers are being respectful of pedestrian right-of-way at crosswalks.  You are appreciated.
  • SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY illuminates the significance of supporting “small businesses” independently owned by people like your friends and you.  Small Business Saturday, November 27th, is a day dedicated to supporting a wide range of local businesses helping create jobs, boost the economy and keep communities thriving.  When local businesses flourish, the community flourishes.  Small businesses often have “homey”, friendly atmospheres lending to caring service.  If they don’t have exactly what you want, they will help get it for you or you may buy a GIFT CARD!
  • There is a Pedestrian Crosswalk on West Main by the Rosebud Center.  Please stop when crossing lights are flashing as pedestrians have right–of-way.  Let’s be respectful of one another and be safe.
  • Thank you to contributors again this week.
  • “Tell me and I forget.  Teach me and I remember.  Involve me and I learn.”    (Benjamin Franklin)                                                                                  Blessings, Respect Others, Be Kind and Pray,


Posted in Announcements.