10.24.2021 Mayor’s Message

Hi Everybody,

  • Halloween!  Gosh Sunday is the end of October already!!  With that, the 10-day forecast is promising so there are likely to be many “trick-or-treaters” out and about.  If you are driving, please be extra careful to protect the kids and grandkids.
  • A citizen stopped me the other day and commented, “We have a beautiful city, but I see businesses with weeds growing along buildings and in sidewalks”.  Whether you’re a building owner or a tenant, please be proud of where you are and keep the area looking nice. 
  • Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) is a Joint Action Agency that provides and manages power on behalf of Valley City and 60 other municipal power communities in ND, SD, MN, & IA.  In 2005, the MRES Members were 50% carbon free and by 2020 the members were 84% carbon free.  Valley City’s 2020 power supply mix is even better at 93% carbon free and 75% of our power is renewable.
  • The most effective weapon against COVID is vaccine.  Please, get your vaccination.
  • Last week Sue and I attended a funeral for two people who were married 65 years.  In an eloquent eulogy, the point was made that they were married that long due to commitments with each other.  A part of the “commitment” definition includes devotion, faithfulness, attentiveness and loyalty.  I thought that was pretty neat.
  • Thank you to contributors again this week.
  • “It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.”    (Harry S. Truman)                                                                                  Blessings, Respect Others, Be Kind and Pray,


Posted in Announcements.