10.10.2021 Mayor’s Message

Hi Folks,

  • Last week there was a good deal of blacktop applied to some of our construction sites with streetlights and traffic signals being scheduled for this week.  YES!
  • The other day I saw a delivery person trying to locate a house, but there was no house number.  Displaying visible house numbers is an ordinance; they can be attractive and inexpensive so please install if your building doesn’t have them.
  • Walkers, joggers and bikers are out enjoying our community.  There are numerous drivers who are texting (against the law) so please wear “hi-vis clothing” to help protect your self.  “Hi-vis yellow” may be the most readily seen.  Walkers and joggers, please face traffic, (usually left side) when on the street.
  • Thought to ponder:  COVD is still out there, respect it, wash your hands and be vaccinated to protect your self.
  • Do you know our VCFD inspects, recharges and sells fire extinguishers?  Please check with Chief Scott or Assistant Chief Lance at 701-845-3351 for information.
  • Valley City offers 24-7 dumping site for branches, leaves and grass clippings at the transfer station.  Some people have been dumping in the driving area.  Please be respectful and dump on the designated piles so the service can be continued.
  • Officiating, have you thought about it?  It could be for you?  The Referee on the Ohio State game last Saturday has local ties. For information, call the NDHSAA @ 701-845-3953.
  • Valley City is beautiful.  I walked up 9th Avenue NW the other day and picked up one handful of garbage.  Great job every one.  * Please try to do a little better with cigarette butts and doggie poop.
  • Thank you to contributors again this week.
  • “I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will always remember how you made them feel.”                                                                          (Maya Angelou)                                                                                  Blessings, Respect Others, Be Kind and Pray,


Posted in Announcements.