8.15.2021 Mayor’s Message

Hello Everyone,

  • “Summer Nights on Central” was held last Thursday and there was a nice crown entertained by “Slamabama”.  I hope you all had a good time. 
  • There will be another Summer Nights on Central this Thursday with music by “Tripwire”.  If you couldn’t be there last week, try to be there this week.
  • On a not-so-happy-note, the “Delta Variant” of COVID is now in North Dakota and Barnes County.  Please be aware of how this progresses as it is said to be very contagious.  Good news, the Delta Variant has not been as serious for those who are vaccinated.  Research indicates the vaccinations are very effective so if you are not vaccinated, please consider getting yours.
  • This came to mind, “Be nice to people for no reason”.
  • A positive of the very dry summer is some of the smaller construction projects are wrapping up and the larger ones seem to be on schedule.  Please be safe when driving or walking in construction zones.
  • Do you know we have a very active airport here?  With corporate jets, show planes and spray planes, the Barnes County Municipal Airport has activity every day.  For more information, see: http://www.barnescountyairport.com/
  • Thank you to contributors again this week.
  • “Good Teams become great ones when the members trust each other and enough to surrender the Me for We.”     (Phil Jackson)                                                                                  Blessings, Be Respectful, Be Kind and Pray,


Posted in Announcements.