5.17.2021 Mayor’s Message

Hello Folks,

  • April 30th was National Arbor Day and one celebration was a tree planting in City Park.  That was a nice beginning, but you can plant trees and benefit your yard and community most anytime.  Did you know trees, can reduce erosion, cut heating and cooling costs, moderate temperature, clean the air, produce oxygen, create wild life habitat, beautifies and increases property values.  So there are many good reasons to plant a tree(s).
  • To successfully plant and prune trees, correct methods will help ensure healthy, beautiful trees.  Information can be obtained through our Barnes County Extension Office https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/barnescountyextension and https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/publications/lawns-gardens-trees/basic-guidelines-for-pruning-trees-and-shrubs .
  • We are fortunate to have an active Beautification Committee in Valley City as those folks have been very successful securing tree planting grants and planting trees.  One of their projects is the Hi-Line Prairie Gardens and Orchard on 5th Street NE, stop and have a look.  A big THANK YOU to all the folks on our Beautification Committee.  There is room for you, please think about volunteering or gifting money.
  • While walking today, I was noticing lawns are being mowed, brush is being removed and our town is beginning to show its “spring cleaning”.  Good job folks, YOU make a difference. Thank you.
  • COVID-19 Vaccine is making a difference.  Our CCHD has vaccine on hand and welcome walk-ins for vaccinations.  To minimize your time, please call ahead, 845-8518.  Having immunization is comforting.
  • “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”                                                                        (Mark Twain)

Blessings, Be Kind, Be Respectful and Pray


Posted in Announcements.