3.29.2021 Mayor’s Message

Hello Everyone,

  • Please be careful with fire as our area is very dry, windy and the grass fires burn like crazy!  The Barnes County “burn ban” is in place and has been extended for another week.  Some prayers for rain would be good.
  • Please CHECK THE BATTERIES in your smoke and radon alarms.  Our fire department is receiving calls as alarms are sounding because of low batteries.
  • On a sad note, violence in our country has been rearing its ugly head.  Whether it is racial, gender, political, LBGT, color or religion, we need to end the violence.  Just because someone is a different color, has a different spiritual belief or lifestyle, isn’t reason for us to dislike him or her.  Conflict is generally best resolved through communication.  Perhaps through communications, commonalities may be identified and could bring us closer together.  “Love our neighbors as ourselves”.
  • Thanks to our Street Department for cutting many of the ruts from our alleys.  Walking through them is even easier.
  • COVID Vaccination, get yours, let’s move towards Herd Immunity and some protection from variants on the horizon.  See the City County Health District website, citycountyhealth.org or call 845-8518.   
  • There are legislative bills that could affect you.         See: https://www.legis.nd.gov/assembly/67-2021/regular to track bills and to contact your legislators if you wish.  It is an interesting process.                                                                             
  • “I object to violence as when it appears to do good, it is only temporary and the evil it does, is permanent.”      (Mahatma Gandhi)                                                   

Blessings, Be Kind, Be Respectful and Pray


Posted in Announcements.