11/23/2020 Mayor’s Message

Greetings Everyone,

  • Good Samaritan:  The other day I walked the Broken Road and on the west end by the picnic tables (wire reels), there is a nice bench.  Thank you to our benefactor.  “The easiest way to make an impact on your community is to just be kind”.  (Joshua Williams, Menard’s Flier)
  • COVID is running rampant here and all over the world.  For quite awhile we were spared the larger numbers of infections affecting areas around us.  It was as though we were insulated, but no longer, we are in the middle of it.  Practice the safety measures; you know them.
  • Friday Governor Burgum held a Press Briefing.   Superintendant Johnson shared procedures being utilized in the VCPS to slow the spread.  Procedures being utilized by the “VCSU Team” are similar and are slowing the spread as well.  I share that because the two institutions seem to have the lowest numbers of positives per capita in Valley City.  That said our “community’ and its “households” are our worst spreaders.  We who are outside the educational institutions would likely reduce the spread if we’d utilize the procedures schools are.  People in schools Mask-UP religiously.
  • In an effort to help clarify, the Valley City Commission amended its Emergency Order to match the Governor’s Order.  The orders are to protect us, let’s respect them versus challenging them. 
  • Our City County Health Department has Mask-UP Kits with signage available for use in your building(s).  Please call CCHD at 845-8518.
  • Happy Thanksgiving.  In spite of the many difficulties, let’s be grateful for the many Blessings in our lives.

There are two ways of spreading light; be the candle or be the mirror that reflects it.”        (Edith Wharton)                                                   

Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,


Posted in Announcements.