Introducing 2020 City Forester & Forestry Reminders

Bob Anderson serves as the City Forester for the City of Valley City. The City has a part-time forester during the months of May through September to enforce ordinances and identify diseased trees.

“I am looking forward to working with you to keep our trees in Valley City both beautiful and safe.  I am also a resource for you if you have any tree questions,” says Anderson.

Here is a short list of things you can do to make our Dutch Elm Disease prevention program successful:

  • Quick removal of diseased elms from the urban forest once they have been identified for Dutch Elm Disease.
  • Quick disposal of elm wood and stumps (elm bark beetles live under the bark, and a few logs stacked in someone’s backyard can jeopardize healthy elms within a couple blocks).
  • Notify the City Forester if you would like me to inspect your tree or are concerned a tree might have Dutch Elm Disease.

Here is a short list of things you can do to keep our trees safe:

  • Keep your trees trimmed so there is 8’ of clearance above sidewalks.
  • If you think a tree poses a public hazard, please notify the City Forester and he will inspect it.
  • Please refer to Section 8-06-16 of the City Code before planting trees near streets and sidewalks.  The City also has a handout of suggested tree species to plant.
Posted in Announcements, Uncategorized.