09/18/2018 Commission Minutes

Valley City Commission Proceedings
September 18, 2018
5:00 PM Meeting, City Hall

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.

Members present: Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Powell, Commissioner Erickson.

Others Present: City Administrator Schelkoph, City Attorney Schoenack, City Auditor Richter, Police Chief Hatcher, Fire Chief Retterath, Chad Petersen from KLJ.

Swearing in of Police Officer Alyson Moses

President Carlsrud swore Police Officer Alyson Moses in.

Fire Department Presentation to Retiring Officer

Fire Chief Gary Retterath recognized Richard Hass for his 28 years and 3 months of service to the Valley City Fire Department.

Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve the minutes from September 4, 2018 meeting, seconded by Commissioner Powell. The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve Parade Application for Valley City High School Homecoming on September 21, 2018 at 4:00 PM on Central Avenue from 12th Street NE to 4th Street SW
  2. Approve Plumber & Mechanical Contractor license for Sullivan Construction

Commissioner Powell moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. The motion passed unanimously.

Public Comments

There were no public comments.

Public Hearing

Open Public Hearing relative to the Community Development Block Grant 3595-CD11SL12-ED, Valley City I-94 Regional Development Corridor Infrastructure

President Carlsrud declared the public hearing open. City Auditor Richter reported no written or verbal comments were received. Jennifer Feist, VCBC Development Corporation, reported that $800,000 was secured with $150,000 as a forgivable loan through South Central Dakota Regional Council. HUD was the source of the federal funding and a requirement was to a minimum of 80 jobs to be eligible for the forgivable loan. Feist reported the $150,000 forgivable loan will proceed as the jobs were completed and that the public hearing is part of the closeout process.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to close the hearing, seconded by Commissioner Bishop. The motion passed unanimously.

Open Public Hearing for 2019 City Budget

President Carlsrud declared the public hearing open for the 2019 City Budget. City Auditor Richter reported that the City Commission held special Commission meetings in July and August to review the 2019 budget. Notices were sent out to each property owner by the County Auditor. Richter stated the 2019 budget does not include VCPW enterprise funds. Richter reported the mill levy decreased from the 2018 budget. Richter has not received any written or verbal comments.

Commissioner Bishop moved to close the public hearing for the 2019 city budget, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. The motion passed unanimously.

Approve the First Reading of Ordinance No. 1039, an ordinance adopting the 2019 City Budget.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve Ordinance No. 1039, seconded by Commissioner Powell. Commissioner Magnuson thanked Auditor’s Office for their work on budget and for City Staff to reduce expenses. Commissioner Powell thanked Staff for their fiscal responsibility which directed savings to property owners. President Carlsrud thanked department heads for their work.

The motion passed unanimously.


Approve first reading of Ordinance No. 1040, an ordinance amending and reenacting Title 20, Taxation

City Attorney Schoenack stated there are no substantive changes to the Title 20, Taxation; instead the ordinances brings 14 ordinances into one document and removes expired sections.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 1040, seconded by Commissioner Powell. The motion passed unanimously.

New Business

Approve amendment to financial review procedure

President Carlsrud reported Commissioners have been reviewing individual invoices. City Auditor Richter reported the new process will be as follows:

Lists of monthly expenditures will be distributed to the Commissioners for review during the Finance Meeting. Each commissioner will receive a list with the expenditures specific to the department they are assigned. Invoices will be available if there are any items would like to review further.

A master list with all of the expenditures will also be prepared for approval at the Commission meeting. It will be important this master list gets signed by the Commissioners for audit purposes.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve the amendment to the financial review procedure, seconded by Commissioner Erickson. The motion passed unanimously.

Approve Application for Property Tax Exemption for Improvements to Residential Building at 264 14th Street NE

City Assessor Hansen recommended approval of the property tax exemption for 264 14th Street NE. Commissioner Powell moved to approve the application for Property Tax Exemption at 264 14th Street NE, seconded by Commissioner Erickson. The motion passed unanimously.

Approve Preliminary & Design Engineering Agreement for NW Storm Sewer Project – Phase I with KLJ in an amount not to exceed $132,000

Chad Petersen from KLJ reported this project is along 7th Avenue NW as Phase I of the NW Storm Sewer improvements. Petersen expects bid opening in February 2019.

Commissioner Powell moved to approve the preliminary and design engineering contract, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. The motion passed unanimously.

City Administrator’s Report

City Administrator Schelkoph reported MRES will have no electrical rate increase for 2019 for the Valley City. Schelkoph stated at the next State Water Commission meeting in October, he will ask for money to build the Permanent Flood Protection Phase III project next to the Master Lift Station and add properties to the Phase IV buyout program. Schelkoph reported Water Coalition meeting will be held on September 26 to consider budget plans for the next biennium. Schelkoph stated the last tree branch pickup is the last Thursday and Friday in September, please call to schedule pickup.

City Updates & Commission Reports

City Attorney Schoenack reported final first reading of ordinances for recodification will occur at the next Commission meeting.
City Auditor Richter thanked the Commission for opportunity to attend ND League of Cities Annual Conference.
Fire Chief Retterath invited community members to apply to the VCFD.
Chad Petersen from KLJ reported Sanitary Sewer 62 is being relined now; 3rd Avenue SE curb and gutter work is scheduled to end this week with paving the first week of October; floodwalls west of footbridge to be completed in next week, pilings near Elks and HubMac are ongoing.
Commissioner Magnuson reported the efforts to attract people to North Dakota and the efforts to increase shared-use paths in the state were discussed at the ND League of Cities Annual Conference.
President Carlsrud thanked employees for their work.


The meeting adjourned at 5:40 PM.

Attested to by:

Dave Carlsrud, President of the
City of Valley City Commission

Attested to by:
Avis Richter, City Auditor
City of Valley City

Posted in City Commission Minutes.