Block Parties 2018 Proclamation

Whereas, block parties nationwide can help reduce crime by getting to know your neighbors and develop a sense of community; and

Whereas, block parties help to develop a sense of neighborhood spirit, safety and unity; and

Whereas, Valley City plays a vital role in assisting the Valley City Police
Department through joint crime, drug and violence prevention efforts in Valley City and is supporting block parties locally; and

Whereas, it is essential that all citizens of Valley City be aware of the importance of crime prevention programs and impact that their participation can have on reducing  crime, drugs and violence in Valley City; and

Whereas, police-community partnerships, neighborhood safety, awareness and cooperation are important to the life and health of a community;

Now Therefore, the Valley City Commission, hereby calls upon all citizens of Valley City to join with neighborhoods and communities across America to host or attend a block party in your neighborhood.

Further Let it be Resolved, that the Valley City Commission, hereby proclaims the summer and early fall in Valley City to be a time to get to know your neighbors and celebrate by hosting or attending a block party.

Dave Carlsrud, Mayor
June 19, 2018

Posted in Proclamations.