03/29/2018 Special Commission Meeting Minutes

Valley City Special Commission Proceedings
March 29, 2018
7:00 AM Meeting, City Hall

President Carlsrud presided and continued with roll call at 7:00 AM

Members present: Commissioner Pedersen, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Magnuson

Members absent: Commissioner Powell

Others Present: City Administrator Schelkoph, City Attorney Mertins, City Auditor Richter, Police Chief Hatcher, Chad Petersen from KLJ.

Pledge of Allegiance

New Business

Consider NDDOT UGP-SU-2-990(057)PCN 22043 Bid Items for the  Streetscape Project

City Administrator Schelkoph stated that the City will received the NDDOT documents on March 23, 2018 for the Third Avenue, Concrete Pavement Repair (CPR) and Streetscape projects. Petersen clarified that the Third Avenue project was originally under the Urban Road Program and now NDDOT has applied grant money to the project. The Three projects will now bring $2.3 million in federal funds to Valley City instead of just $500,000 from Urban Road Program.

City Administrator Schelkoph reported that the final estimate is $1.9 million, which is higher than the $1.55 million preliminary estimate. Schelkoph direct KLJ to add an alternate to the bid documents that will allow the Commission some latitude in finalizing the project cost based on bids in hand, this alternate is for 4th Street to 5th Street. Petersen indicated that this section includes approximately $250,000 construction cost for bump outs and decorative lighting.

Commissioner Magnuson stated that the original plan was for a $300,000 local share. Magnuson asked if the widening of the sidewalks and bump outs could be removed while retaining the decorative lighting. Magnuson asked the Commission to stay within a $300,000 local share.

Commissioner Pedersen recommended if bids are not favorable, use Commissioner Magnuson’s reduction in scope recommendation.

Petersen clarified that the project scope will need to be reduce to less than $1 million to be at a $300,000 local share level. Petersen stated the new traffic signals require a larger footprint to meet ADA requirements through bump outs.

Commissioner Bishop stated that the project is over budget with a lack of transparency.

Commissioner Magnuson asked to scale the project back to fit the budget that was promised.

Commissioner Pedersen questioned the impact to the grant funding if the scope is changed. Pedersen stated that $700,000 in grant money is now available with the project as it is.

City Auditor Richter received an estimate from NDDOT in February. At that point, Richter added 20% for project costs with $282,000 from the Infrastructure Renew & Replacement Fund and $260,000 from the Electrical Fund. Richter stated that there are funds to cover the local cost share of the new project cost.

Commissioner Magnuson again asked to stay at the $300,000 local cost share.

Jeff Edwards, Chair of the Streetscape Committee, recommended the Commission create two alternates – the first along the High School, as described by Mr. Schelkoph on 4th Street to 5th Street; the second from Main to Second Street. Edwards clarified that the bump outs are not just decorative, they allow space for the traffic lights to meet ADA requirements.

Petersen clarified for the Commission that not all areas require bump outs to meet ADA compliance as some areas have greater right of ways.

Bobby Koepplin stated that since a design contract was signed, he’d recommend continuing forward with the project and review again when the bids are received.

Mary Lee Nielsen asked the Commission to consider the national efforts to make downtowns walkable and to proceed and see how bids are received.

President Carlsrud expected the community would spend $300,000 to $400,000 for this project. Carlsrud stated that the national trend for economic development is to improve the downtown district and with the funding available, the City needs to support this project.


President Carlsrud declared the meeting adjourned at 7:52 am.

Dave Carlsrud, President of the
City of Valley City Commission

Attested to by:
Avis Richter, City Auditor
City of Valley City

Posted in City Commission Minutes.