Update on Flood Conditions

Just a quick update on the flood conditions here in Valley City.

The city has prepared for 16 feet above flood stage with a 2 foot or up to an 18 foot flood stage buffer.  This will give the city 2 feet of freeboard throughout the town if the river reaches 16 feet above flood stage.  The Army Corps of Engineers has projected that Valley City will crest around 15 feet above flood stage.  City Crews will be monitoring the river and the storm sewer pumping sites throughout the city all weekend.  Currently the river is at 14.74 feet above flood stage and looks to be leveling out.

All is not perfect yet for Valley City.  The National Weather service (I am sure you know this) has given a forecast for rain starting on Sunday night and continuing through Monday.  Many different rainfall amounts have been issued but there is a chance that significant rainfall by Monday could change everything.  Until circumstances change however the city will follow our current flood protection plan. 

We will meet again on Monday morning at 9:00 AM for a flood meeting here at City Hall.  You are welcome to attend if you want to.

/Dave Schelkoph