05/11/2020 Mayor’s Message


  • Hello area high school and university seniors.  Your school year is ending and life will be opening doors to the next chapters of your lives.  With the Corona Virus, graduations will differ from the norm, they will likely be unique and the classes of 2020 will always be remembered.  There will be some fun “activities”; please respect the virus, your friends, your family and practice Social Distancing to ensure good health.  “CONGRATULATIONS & ENJOY”


  • Local Businesses are opening … PLEASE support them so they can support you.  Usually our local businesses are the first ones we visit for donations for good causes so they need sufficient profits to help you. 
  • The City Commission hired Gwen Crawford to serve Valley City Citizens as our City Administrator/Manager.  She is scheduled to begin work here within 30 days.  Watch for her and please offer a warm Hi-Liner/Viking welcome.
  • Please Read Measure #1 on your ballot.  It is important for the completion of your Permanent Flood Protection.
  • We will have another 5:30 Press Briefing Wednesday and our guests are TBD. Please join us.
  • Charlie Brown said, “We only live once Snoopy”.  Snoopy said, “No, Charlie Brown, we only die once, we LIVE every day.”
  • Pray

Blessings and Be Safe,

Dave Carlsrud

05/06/2020 COVID-19 Briefing

City of Valley City Hosting COVID-19 Response Briefing on May 6

WHO: Officials from City-County Health District, Valley City Public Schools and City Government are expected to speak.

Speakers will include:

  • Theresa Will – Administrator for City-County Health District
  • Tyler Jacobson – Director of Valley City Parks and Recreation
  • Keith Heuser – President of CHI Mercy Health Valley City
  • Joshua Johnson – Superintendent for Valley City Public Schools
  • Dave Carlsrud – Valley City Mayor

WHAT: Each organization will provide updates and information pertaining to recent developments in the COVID-19 community response. All officials will be available following the briefing for questions from media partners.

WHEN: Wednesday, May 6 at 5:30pm

WHERE: City of Valley City – City Hall, 254 2nd Ave NE, Valley City, ND 58072

The briefing is closed the public to honor social distancing. Members of the public can view live on City-County Health’s Facebook page, KOVC 1490 AM, BEK Channel 26 and CSI Cable 68.

President Dave Carlsrud

Mayor’s Message

  • Good job with your Social Distancing everyone.  That we have been Blessed with fewer positive tests than some other places is indicative you are doing the right things.
  • ND Smart Restart is now under way.  About six weeks ago we were quite afraid of COVID-19, it seemed death was almost a certainty.  The virus is still very dangerous, but Social Distancing is working so now we have more freedom.  With more freedom, more discipline will be needed to make wise choices. Keep up your good work.
  • It is likely you all have had something in your lives postponed or cancelled.  From K-12 to Higher Ed. distance learning is a new experience.  Though there are times of disappointment, missing your friends and changes in relationships, those things are educational too.  While this spring isn’t what we all planned, the lessons we will have learned, will always be remembered.  Embrace them.
  • Census 2020 – BE COUNTED
  • I have no artistic abilities so I am continually amazed at the beautiful chalk art around town.  Thank you “chalk art” artists.
  • We will have another 5:30 Press Briefing Wednesday and our guest will be VCPS Superintendent Josh Johnson.  Please join us.
  • Charlie Brown said, “One of the best gifts you can give people is thanking them for being part of your life.”
  • Pray.

Blessings and Be Safe,

Dave Carlsrud

City of Valley City Hosting COVID-19 Response Briefing on April 29

WHO: Officials from City-County Health District, Valley City State University and Local Government are expected to speak.

Speakers will include:

  • Theresa Will – Administrator for City-County Health District
  • Dr. Alan LaFave – President of Valley City State University
  • Dave Carlsrud – Valley City Mayor

WHAT: Each organization will provide updates and information pertaining to recent developments in the COVID-19 community response. All officials will be available following the briefing for questions from media partners.

WHEN: Wednesday, April 29 at 5:30pm

WHERE: City of Valley City – City Hall, 254 2nd Ave NE, Valley City, ND 58072

The briefing is closed the public to honor social distancing. Members of the public can view live on City-County Health’s Facebook page, KOVC 1490 AM, BEK Channel 26 and CSI Cable 68.

Mayor’s Message

Sunday, April 26, 2020


  • It is Sunday evening the 26th and we have 867 cases in North Dakota of which four are in Barnes County.  Just remember Social Distancing, be safe; “you know the drill”.
  • Our weather has made a turn for the better.  I have seen kids playing “hopscotch”, “chalk art”, people walking, rollerblading, skateboarding, biking and fishing.  Get out and enjoy life.   We only have to “stay apart” now so we can “be together” later.
  • The June 9th Municipal Election includes a ballot question to approve the extension of an existing one-half (1/2) percent sales tax for Permanent Flood Protection (PFP).  The tax will run 15 years or until retirement of the debt.  The sales tax dedication was approved with a sunset of December 31, 2047 so the extension would begin from that date. The extension is needed to meet the Bank of North Dakota requirements providing 30 years of funding to match the 30-year loans needed for PFP.  Again, this is an extension of time only, not an increase in sales tax.
    •  Mail Ballot Applications will be sent out by April 30th.
  • We will have another 5:30 Press Briefing Wednesday and our guest will be VCSU President Al Lafave.  Please join us.

Blessings and be safe.

Dave Carlsrud

Mayor’s Message


April 20, 2020

Greetings Everyone

As you likely know by now we crowding 600 positive tests in North Dakota.  Just a week ago Sunday, we had about 300 so it is SPREADING rapidly!  While there are a few “hot spots” around the state, there are also more and more people around the state who are spreaders.  That means every time we leave our homes, there is a greater chance we can be exposed to the virus. 

I am sure you all are tired of hearing “Social Distancing”, but it is the best tool we have.  We need to continue our efforts by washing hands, staying home unless going out is essential, cover coughs & sneezes.  Remember, the virus doesn’t care if we are family, friends or fellow workers; we have to protect each other with proper Social Distancing.

Blessings and be safe.

Mayor’s Message

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Thank you Everyone & Welcome Back

  • Thank you all for your efforts with Social Distancing.  At every conference call and press conference we hear  “Social Distancing is the most effective method of slowing COVID-19”. 
  • Welcome home to grandparents, parents, other family, students (Spring Break) and friends who have been rejuvenating in warmer climates.  In your travels home, “exposure” to high-risk situations was very likely for all of you.  So to protect your family and friends, PLEASE consider self-quarantine for 14 days and ALWAYS practice Social Distancing.
  • With changes in our society like working from home and online schooling, “How are you doing”?  Many parents, brothers and sisters aren’t use to being together in the house this much.  Be sure you all get some “space” as your mental health is critical.  How about going for a short walk, a bike ride or some little activity for which you don’t normally have time.   From there, simply respect and be kind to everyone, especially those closest to you J.
  • North Dakota is having a slow rise in COVID-19 cases and that is a good thing as every slow day gives our health care system another day to catch up.
  • Pray to your God, keep the Faith and continue your great efforts.

Thank you,

Dave Carlsrud

Emergency Orders Issued Effective 03/26/2020 – Transient Merchants & Alcoholic Beverage Sales

On March 25, 2020, Valley City Mayor Dave Carlsrud issued two emergency orders to take immediate effect on Thursday, March 26.

Both orders were issued pursuant to the COVID-19 state of emergency declared by the Mayor earlier this month, and are believed necessary to promote social distancing, discourage unnecessary travel, and limit exposure of Valley City residents to the COVID-19 virus.  The orders will also assist local businesses that have been adversely impacted by the pandemic.

Under Emergency Order 2020-01, all transient/temporary merchant activity must cease for a period of 30 days.  The general penalty established by Valley City Municipal Code for any violation of a city ordinance is a fine of up to $1,500 and/or up to 30 days in jail.

Under Emergency Order 2020-02, the holder of a Valley City alcoholic beverage license will be permitted to serve beer and wine by curbside or home delivery, subject to certain restrictions depending on the class of license.  Licensees are encouraged to contact City Hall for clarification of their rights and responsibilities under the emergency order.  All federal, state, and local laws pertaining to delivery of alcohol including but not limited to delivery to minors, server training, and age identification requirements, remain in effect.

All city commission meetings, planning meetings, and the annual tax equalization meeting, are scheduled to be held electronically unless and until the state of emergency has been lifted.  These meetings will continue to be broadcast on BEK channel 26, CSI channel 68, and newsdakota.com.  A public access phone line will be available and published in the near future.  Requests to listen to the electronic meeting in the commission chambers should be made in advance by calling 701-845-1700.  If you are preparing documents to present at any city meeting please call for instructions on how to submit electronically, or mail to PO Box 390, Valley City, North Dakota, 58072.  There will also be a dropbox at the north entrance of City Hall during regular business hours, 8:00AM – 5:00PM.

Individual and community efforts to help slow the spread of COVID-19 are greatly appreciated and the most effective tools in reducing local transmission.  Continue to keep your distance, wash your hands, limit travel and maintain healthy business operations and work environments.

Filing Deadline for June 9, 2020 Election is Approaching

The filing deadline for the June 9, 2020 election is April 6, 2020 at 4:00 PM. The ND Attorney General, Al Jaeger stated that NDCC “sets the number of signatures required for a candidate’s name to appear on the ballot for a position in a political subdivision and that cannot be changed.” If you are filing a petition, you will need to submit the following number of signatures:

  • Commissioner (2 open positions for 4 year term): 133 signatures
  • Park Board (2 open positions for 4 year term): 128 signatures
  • Park Board (1 unexpired 4 year term ending June 30, 2022): 128 signatures
  • Municipal Judge (1 open position for 4 year term): 133 signatures

In light of COVID-19, circulators may scan the petition and return it electronically to the candidate. Petitions can be transmitted electronically, along with other required documents to City Auditor, Avis Richter at arichter@valleycity.us . Petitions may also be dropped off at the north door of City Hall (254 2nd Avenue NE) during regular business hours, please call 845-8121 to let the City Auditor know you’ve dropped off a petition.

Message from the Mayor re: COVID-19

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Hi Again Everyone,

I am a proud citizen of Valley City and North Dakota.

Do you remember the battles with the horrific floods, with portable outhouses everywhere, and we all pulled together and defeated the floodwaters?  Gosh, help came from the VCPS, VCSU, and even a great number of our more “veteran population”.  You filled well over 350,000 sandbags, served food, and helped in any way you could.  As Governor Burgum might say, it was a great example of “North Dakota Tough”.

Today we are battling an opponent completely different from water.  While water can be deadly, we can go to the water, touch it, walk to higher ground, and again be safe.  COVID-19 plays very differently.  Once we have been close to it, we are likely infected and- unlike the floodwater escaping to higher ground- will not save us.  It is deadly, extremely contagious and “business as usual” has to change.  Please be aware we are no longer an isolated area as we have surpassed South Dakota in numbers of cases.  Hello!  Social Distancing must become the new normal because the young, the strong, and the elderly are all susceptible.  Nearly 40% of cases are in the 20, 30 and 40-year old range.

Many of our businesses are open, but are not open for social gatherings at this time.  Purchase your merchandise and go directly to the safety of your home.  *Unessential travel- NO- “hanging with friends”- NO, as you will place yourself and your friends at risk.  When you have a choice, respect the warnings of Social Distancing. 

To battle this, choose “North Dakota Smart” over “North Dakota Tough”.

Blessings and be safe,

Dave Carlsrud