4.26.2022 Visitor’s Committee Minutes


April 26th, 2022 at 8:00 AM

City of Valley City Commission Chamber and Zoom

Chair Koepplin called the meeting to order at 8:00 AM.

Present:  Bobby Koepplin, Mary Lee Nielson, Tyler Marthaler, Tammy Jo Taft (8:10), Ken Reid (8:10)

Guest Present:  Larry Robinson

Member Nielson moved to approve the minutes of the January 12, 2022 meeting, seconded by Member Marthaler. Motion passed unanimously.

Reviewed Financials

            Image Enhancement Grants

Member Nielson moved to approve, seconded by Member Marthaler.  Motion passed unanimously.

            Tourism Development Grants

Member Marthaler moved to approve, seconded by Member Nielson.  Motion passed unanimously.

Consider VCSU Application for Tourism Development Grant/Loan Funds 

Larry Robinson presented the request on behalf of VCSU.  Member Nielson moved that Committee recognize that Member Taft had a conflict of interest as an employee of VCSU and would be abstaining from voting, seconded by Member Marthaler.  Motion passed unanimously.

Member Reid moved to approve as a recommendation to the city commission to approve $750,000 from the Tourism Grant fund for the Capital Campaign for construction, releasing a minimum of $75,000/year-no max, seconded by Member Marthaler.  Roll call: Marthaler-aye, Nielson-aye, Reid-aye, Koepplin-aye, Taft-abstained

Motion passed.


Member Taft stated it was discussed at the Chamber meeting that Tina Olson replace Member Reid on the committee when his term expires as the Chamber of Commerce representative.

Member Taft made a motion to recommend to the city commission that Tina Olson replace Member Reid upon his term expiring July 1, 2022, seconded by Member Nielson.  Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 8:36 AM.

Respectfully submitted, Brandy Johnson

7.23.2020 Visitors Committee Minutes

July 23, 2020

City of Valley City Commission Chamber

July 23, 2020 at 7:15 AM

Chair Koepplin called the meeting to order at 7:15 AM.

Present:  Bobby Koepplin, Ken Reid, Mary Lee Nielson, Paige Bjornson and Greg Vanney (via conference call).

Member Reid moved to approve the minutes of the April 22, 2020 meeting, seconded by Member Nielson. Motion carried.

Financials Year to Date

  • Image Enhancement Grants
    $56,673.09 estimated available 2020 funds.

Member Nielson moved to approve the Image Enhancement Grant financials as submitted by the City, seconded by Member Vanney. Motion carried.

  • Food & Beverage Grants
    Deficit of $14,562.99 estimated 2020 funds.  Last payment of the Winter Show due January 2021 which stretches what’s available.  Member Nielson questioned the 2020 estimated annual revenue.  Deputy Auditor Klein stated it was lowered from $119,000 to $115,000.

Member Nielson moved to approve the Food & Beverage Grant financials as submitted by the City, seconded by Member Reid. Motion carried.

Consider 2021 Beautification Committee Budget. Member Bjornson made a motion to approve $4,500 VC Beautification Committee 2020 Budget, seconded by Member Vanney.  Member Nielson stated she felt the request for $4,500 was high for the current circumstances taking place.  Member Bjornson agreed and withdrew her previous motion, Member Vanney withdrew his second.  Member Nielson made a motion to approve same budget recommendation as last year of $4,000 and make a recommendation to the City, seconded by Member Reid.  Motion carried.

Consider 2021 CVB Budget.  Committee recognized conflict of interest for Member Nielson.  Member Nielson stated she prepared two budgets, one basic ($80,000) the other taking COVID-19 into consideration ($48,000).    The budget should run between the two pending income from occupancy tax.  Member Bjornson made a motion to approve and make recommendation to the City of 2020 CVB budget from $48,000-$80,000 pending occupancy tax income, seconded by Member Reid.  Motion carried. (Mary Lee Abstained)

Consider Application for Image Enhancement for Valley Gallery of Photography.  George Dutton presented his application.  He is requesting to have a marquee on to help Identify the history of the Pillar Bldg, replace weathered awnings and install signs identifying businesses within building.  Member Nielson made a motion to approve $5000 for Image Enhancement funds and make recommendation to the City, seconded by Member Bjornson.  Motion carried.

Consider Application for Image Enhancement for Bridgetown Storage and Properties LLP.  Donny Eberle presented application along with additional photos of area in discussion.  Member Vanney stated he did not see a requested amount on the application.  Donny replied the project will cost approximately $40,000-$60,000 so would like the full amount.  Member Koepplin stated it is not historic so cap would be $5,000.  Member Reid made a motion to approve $5,000 for Image Enhancement funds and make recommendation to the city, seconded by Member Vanney.  Motion carried.

Consider Food & Beverage Application for the Eagles 2192.  Darryl Stensland presented application.  Requesting help for new roof.  They had just did remodeling of carpet, painting and some roof patching however this spring they had a disaster.  It started raining in the building and ceiling tile had fallen on the floor.

Member Koepplin reminded those present of the previous grants to the Eagles.  In 2003 $45,710.07 to help with roof and air conditioners, 2011 for $5,000 Image Enhancement and in 2016-2017 $50,074 to stabilize building foundation.  Member Nielson made a motion to fund the project up to $41,861 per guidelines, having the Eagles get a line of credit and City release funds as they are available as a recommendation to the City, seconded by Member Reid.  Motion carried.


Member Vanney informed the committee he will be retiring October 15th and moving out of state so would not be able to remain on the committee.  Member Koepplin requested Member Vanney to discuss with VCSU as they forward a nomination as a recommendation to fill the VCSU seat.   

Meeting adjourned at 8:04 AM.