Offices & Transfer Station Closures: President’s Day

Office & Transfer Station Closings:

  • Transfer Station will be closed on Saturday, February 15.
  • Public Works, City Hall & Transfer Station will be closed on Monday, February 17.

Garbage Schedule: Week of February 20

  • Monday’s garbage will be picked up on Tuesday.
  • Tuesday & Wednesday’s garbage will be picked up on Wednesday.
  • Regular schedule resumes on Thursday.
Paving Improvement District No. 118

5th Avenue NW Reconstruction

Paving Improvement District No. 118
Paving Improvement District No. 118

Project Location:

  • 5th Avenue NW from Main Street to 12th Street NW

Type of Work:

  • Reconstruction project which includes:
    • widening of roadway
    • curb and gutter
    • sidewalk reconstruction
    • roadway lighting improvements
    • replacement of water mains
    • replacement of sanitary sewer main and service lines
    • storm sewer improvements


  • Approved for 2020 construction.
    The City Commission accepted the bid and awarded the contract to KPH, Inc. for 5th Avenue NW from Main Street to 12th Street NW on December 3, 2019.
  • Construction will begin Monday, May 4, 2020.


Streetscape II & Paving Improvement District No. 120 map

Streetscape II & Paving Improvement District No. 120

Streetscape II & Paving Improvement District No. 120 map
Streetscape II & Paving Improvement District No. 120 map

Project Location:

  • Main Street from 2nd Avenue W to 3rd Avenue E
  • Central Avenue S
  • City Park

Type of Work:

  • Decorative Lighting
  • Traffic Signals
  • Sidewalk
  • ADA Ramps
  • Benches
  • Trash Receptacles
  • Mill & Overlay

Note: The Mill & Overlay portion of the project is subject to special assessments.


Paving Improvement District No. 120 is delayed and planned for construction in 2021.

Bid opening was held on April 17, 2020. The City Commission voted to reject all bids and will re-bid the project during fall 2020 for construction in 2021.


2020 Seal Coat Project

Paving Improvement District No. 121

Map with location of seal coats for Paving Improvement District No. 121

Project Locations:

  • 12th Street NE (Old Highway 10)
  • 3rd Avenue NE
  • Streets within southwest quadrant east of 15th Avenue SW and west of 10th Ave SW
  • 7th Street SE
  • Riverside Drive

Type of Work:

  • Seal coat. Seal coats are typically installed within one to three years of surfacing.


  • Approved project for 2020 construction. The City Commission awarded the bid for this project at its March 18, 2020 meeting.


Fire Hydrants: Time to Remove Snow

Please keep your fire hydrants clear of snow. This ensure that the Valley City Fire Department can access them in case of emergency.

During the week of February 3, 2020, Valley City State University athletes will begin clearing fire hydrants. If you need assistance cleaning your fire hydrant, please call Deb Feuerherm at (701) 845-7161 or email with the address.

You can also contact Scott Magnuson, Fire Chief at (701) 845-3351.

02/04/2020 City Commission Agenda

Tuesday, February 4, 2020
5:00 PM

Call To Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance (Please Stand)

Introduction of ND Winter Show Manager Tesa Klein

Approval of Agenda

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from January 21, 27, and 29, 2020 meetings

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve Monthly Reports from the Fire Chief, Building Inspector, Auditor, Municipal Judge and Public Works Accountant.
  2. Approve Monthly Bills for the City and Public Works in the Amount of $                      
  3. Approve Raffle Permit for Ducks Unlimited Barnes County Chapter, Valley City High School Music Boosters

Roll Call:          Powell              Bishop             Erickson          Magnuson        Carlsrud

Public Comments

Attorney General’s “A Citizen’s Guide to North Dakota Open Records & Open Meetings Laws” *A member of the public does not have the right to speak to the governing body at an open meeting.  The public is only entitled to see and hear what happens at a meeting, and to record or broadcast those observations.

  • No personal attacks to persons present or not
  • No inflammatory language used during time that you have the platform
  • 5 minute maximum or as directed by the chair
  • Thank you for participating in City Government.


  1. Approve Resolution No. 2240, a Resolution to Designate Authorized Representative for the City of Valley City as a Member of Missouri Basin Municipal Power Agency dba Missouri River Energy Services (Public Works Accountant Jacobson)

    Roll Call:          Bishop             Erickson          Magnuson        Powell              Carlsrud
  2. Approve Resolution No. 2241, a Resolution Declaring Necessity for Paving Improvements  in Paving Improvement District No. 120 (NDDOT Project# UGP-2-999(051), PCN 22280), a mill and overlay project on Central Avenue S (KLJ)

    Roll Call:          Erickson          Powell              Magnuson        Bishop             Carlsrud
  3. Approve Resolution No. 2241, a Resolution Declaring Necessity for Paving Improvements in Paving Improvement District No. 121 (2020 Seal Coat) (KLJ)

    Roll Call:          Magnuson        Bishop             Powell              Erickson          Carlsrud
  4. Approve Resolution No. 2242, a Resolution Authorizing the Public Works cash transfer to remove the Negative balances of $428,283 in the street department, and $629,777 in the water department (Public Works Accountant Jacobson)

    Roll Call:          Powell              Erickson          Magnuson        Bishop             Carlsrud

New Business

  1. Approve capital lease of Elgin Pelican Street Sweeper for five years with annual payment of $43,068.00 from Sanitation Products (Public Works Accountant Jacobson)

    Roll Call:          Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Powell              Carlsrud
  2. Approve underground primary wire bid from Resco in the amount of $23,606 (Public Works Accountant Jacobson)

    Roll Call:          Erickson          Bishop             Magnuson        Powell              Carlsrud
  3. Approve Renaissance Zone Authority Board recommendation for 5 year income tax exemption for tenant, Bridge City Dentistry at 239 2nd Avenue NW and designate it as VC-122 (Emma Tufte)

    Roll Call:          Magnuson        Powell              Bishop             Erickson          Carlsrud
  4. Approve Agreement for Long-Term Temporary Highway Closure with NDDOT (City Auditor Richter)

    Roll Call:          Powell              Erickson          Bishop             Magnuson        Carlsrud
  5. Consider Approving the Urban Roads Project Submittal List for Fiscal Year 2021-2024 (KLJ)

    Roll Call:          Bishop             Powell              Magnuson        Erickson          Carlsrud

City Updates & Commission Reports

02/04/2020 Finance Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, February 4, 2020
3:30 PM

Call to Order

Roll Call

Agenda items

  1. Department reports.
    1. Out of State Travel Requests
      1. Two office staff to Florida for Incode Conference in April (Public Works Accountant Jacobson)
  2. Review 5th Avenue NW lighting options (Electric Superintendent Senf)
  3. Review underground primary wire bid for 2020 underground projects (Electric Superintendent Senf)
  4. Review 5 year lease of Elgin Pelican Street Sweeper from Sanitation Products (Public Works Superintendent Differding & Public Works Accountant Jacobson)
  5. Review monthly bills/reports (10 minutes) – (President Carlsrud)
    1. Review the PW cash transfer requests to remove the Negative balances of $428,283 in the street department, and $629,777 in the water department (Public Works Accountant Jacobson)
  6. Discuss Newman Signs expenditure that exceeds CVB budget (Mary Lee Nielson)
  7. Longest Table Project Update from Sheyenne Valley Community Foundation (Andrea Nelson at 4:00 PM)
  8. Discuss request for amendment of V.C.M.C. 5-01-10 regarding animal tethering (Angie Martin)
  9. State Water Commission Update (KLJ & President Carlsrud)
  10. Review Urban Roads Submittal for Fiscal Years 2021 – 2024 (KLJ)


As Spring Approaches, Valley City Residents are Encouraged to Consider Purchasing Flood Insurance

The City of Valley City is actively monitoring forecasts and conditions in anticipation of a potential 2020 spring flooding event. The first Spring Flood Outlook issued last week by the National Weather Service (NWS) serves as a good reminder for residents to utilize the City’s flood stage map at to determine potential property impacts.

As always, residents are encouraged to consider purchasing flood insurance and to be aware of the 30-day delay until the policy goes into effect after the purchase date.

The City of Valley City and Barnes County will be jointly collaborating this year in the event sandbagging operations become necessary. The City of Valley City’s administration, department heads, and engineers will be meeting to plan for various contingencies to ensure Valley City is well-prepared to protect its citizens, infrastructure and community.

01/27/2020 Special City Commission Agenda

Monday, January 27, 2020
5:00 PM

Call To Order
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance (Please Stand)

  1. Approve Resolution No. 2239, a Resolution Declaring Slum and Blighted Area – North Dakota Main Street Program sponsored by South Central Dakota Regional Council  (Jennifer Feist)
  • Approve Resolution No. 2238, a Resolution of Sponsorship –  Rocking DD Properties grant application for rehab of 358 North Central Avenue (David & Diane Hochhalter)

New Business

  1.  Approve City Administrator job description and authorize advertising for position (City Attorney Martineck)


01/07/2020 City Commission Minutes

Valley City Commission Proceedings

Tuesday, January 07, 2020

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.

Members present: Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Powell, Commissioner Erickson.

Others present: City Administrator Schelkoph, City Attorney Martineck, City Auditor Richter, Deputy Auditor Klein, City Assessor Hansen, Building/Fire Inspector Andersen, Fire Chief Magnuson, Police Chief Hatcher, Chad Petersen from KLJ; Barry Schuchard from KLJ.

Approval of Agenda – Remove N2; Addition of Consent F

Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Erickson moved to approve the minutes from the December 17 and December 26, 2019 meetings. Motion carried.

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve Monthly Reports from the Fire Chief, Building Inspector, Auditor, Municipal Judge and Public Works Accountant.
  2. Approve Monthly Bills for the City and Public Works in the Amount of $2,660,805.42
  3. Approve Electrician license for Tyler’s Electric, LLC
  4. Approve Application to Block off Street for Thundering Saints on July 25, 2020 on 3rd Avenue SE from Main Street to 2nd Street SE
  5. Approve Raffle Permit for El Zagal Sheyenne Valley Shrine Club & Flag Corps, Hi-Liner Boys Basketball, The Sharp Shooter Showdown
  6. Approve Tree Trimming License for Mike’s Construction & Repair, Ground to Sky LLC

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Commissioner Erickson. Motion carried.

Public Comments

There were no public comments.


Approve Resolution No. 2228, a Resolution Accepting the MRES Rate Schedules B & C (Green Energy Rate Adder & Economic Development Incentive)

City Administrator Schelkoph stated Missouri River Energy Services has provided additional options for customers including a green energy option and economic development incentives. The green energy rate adder is $0.05 per KWh. The cost will be paid by participating customers. The economic development incentive is for new commercial customers or those with increased power consumption. If anyone would like to participate, stop in the VCPW office to signup.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve Resolution No. 2228, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. The motion passed unanimously.

New Business

Approve Special Alcohol Beverage Event Permit for Boomer’s Corner Keg on July 25, 2020 for Debbie Gable Memorial Cancer Ride on the 100 block of 3rd Avenue SE

Commissioner Erickson moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Powell. The motion passed unanimously.

Removed: Approve 2020 Policy and Procedure Manual revisions (City Attorney Martineck)

Consider Cost-Share Request to ND State Water Commission for Permanent Flood Protection Phase IV Cost Overrun

Chad Petersen from KLJ stated the overrun request is related to the CLOMR permitting through FEMA which is required for Permanent Flood Protection. The cost share is 85% State Water Commission; 15% local. Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve the cost-share request to the State Water Commission, seconded by Commissioner Powell. The motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Bishop and President Carlsrud will attend a phone meeting with FEMA, the State Water Commission and KLJ as this is discussed further.

Consider Design Engineering Agreement for 2020 Seal Coat Project with KLJ in an amount not to exceed $12,000

Chad Petersen from KLJ stated 40 blocks of seal coat are scheduled in 2020. The mill and overlays have been completed in the last two to three years. Bids will be opened at the end of February with summer 2020 construction. Commissioner Powell moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Bishop. The motion passed unanimously.

City Administrator’s Report

City Administrator Schelkoph expressed gratitude for spending the last eight years working with the community.

City Updates & Commission reports

City Attorney Martineck thanked City Administrator Schelkoph for his service.
City Auditor Richter thanked City Administrator Schelkoph.
Chad Petersen from KLJ reported Permanent Flood Protection pilings continue at the Master Lift Station with the goal to finish them before shutting down for the winter. The Pump Station at Bettins is not operation but gates are installed should there be any flooding.
Commissioner Magnuson thanked City Administrator Schelkoph for his efforts and positive impacts on the city.
President Carlsrud thanked the crews for their work with lots of snow. Asked the community to spread kindness and thanked City Administrator Schelkoph for his efforts.


Adjourned at 5:24 PM.