2.21.2023 Commission Agenda

The City Commission Meeting will begin on Tuesday, February 21st, 2023 at 5:00 PM CT, at the City Commission Chambers, 254 2nd Avenue NE, Valley City, ND.

The meeting is also available to view online https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89764458804 or listen by calling (1 346 248 7799) Webinar ID:  897 6445 8804.

Call To Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance (please stand)

Approval of Agenda

Approval of Minutes

Approve Minutes from the February 7th Finance and Commission Meetings.

Approval of Consent Agenda

  •  Approve Raffle Permits for the Following:
    • VCSU Trap Shooting Club on April 27th, 2023 at VCSU.
    • Sheyenne Valley Friends of Animals on April 8th, 2023 at the Eagles.
  • Approve Application for a Special Alcohol Beverage Event Permit from the Following:
    • Eagles Club on March 7th-12th from 11am-10pm at the Winter Show.
    • The Labor Club on March 4th, 2023 from 5:30pm-10:00pm at the Winter Show Concert.

Public Comments

Attorney General’s “A Citizen’s Guide to North Dakota Open Records & Open Meetings Laws” *A member of the public does not have the right to speak to the governing body at an open meeting.  The public is only entitled to see and hear what happens at a meeting, and to record or broadcast those observations.

  • No personal attacks to persons present or not
  • No inflammatory language used during time that you have the platform
  • 5-minute maximum or as directed by the chair
  • Thank you for participating in City Government.


  1.  Approve Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 1125, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Section 14-09-01 of the Valley City Municipal Code Related to Fee for Careless Driving Violation.  (City Attorney Martineck)

Roll Call:          Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Carlsrud

2. Approve Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 1126, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Section 4-01-27 of the Valley City Municipal Code Related to Open Sale or Possession of Alcohol in Public.  (City Attorney Martineck)

Roll Call:          Gulmon           Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Carlsrud          


  1. Approve Resolution 2401, a Resolution Declaring Sufficiency of Protest for paving Improvement District No. 125.  (City Engineer)

Roll Call:          Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Magnuson        Carlsrud

2. Approve Resolution 2402, a Resolution Declaring Sufficiency of Protest for Paving Improvement District No. 126.  (City Engineer)

Roll Call:          Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Carlsrud

3. Approve Resolution 2403, a Resolution Approving Final Plans, Specifications, and Estimate of Probable Costs and Authorizing Engineer to Advertise for Bids for Paving Improvement District No. 125, Watermain Improvement District No. 103, Sanitary Sewer Improvement District No. 67, and Storm Sewer Improvement District No. 54.  (City Engineer)

Roll Call:          Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Carlsrud

4. Approve Resolution 2404, a Resolution Approving Final Plans, Specifications, and Estimate of Probable Costs and Authorizing Engineer to Advertise for Bids for Paving Improvement District No. 126, Watermain Improvement District No. 104, Sanitary Sewer Improvement District No. 68, and Storm Sewer Improvement District No. 55.  (City Engineer)

Roll Call:          Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Carlsrud

5. Approve Resolution 2405, a Resolution Declaring Necessity of Improvements in Paving Improvement District No. 127. (City Engineer)

Roll Call:          Gulmon           Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Carlsrud

6. Approve Resolution 2406, a Resolution Approving Engineers Report and Directing Preparation of Detailed Plans Specification and Estimate of Probable Costs for Paving Improvement District No. 127

Roll Call:          Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Magnuson        Carlsrud

New Business

N1. Appoint New Member to Planning and Zoning Commission to Fill Unexpired City Resident Term Ending on June 30, 2026.  (Finance Director Richter)

Roll Call:    Gulmon           Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Carlsrud

N2.  Consider and Approve a Request for Funds to Support Business Expansion.  (Jennifer Feist)

Roll Call:    Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Magnuson        Carlsrud

N3.  Approve Main Street Champion Action Plan.  (City Administrator Crawford)

Roll Call:    Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Carlsrud

N4.  Approve Application for a Special Alcohol Beverage Event Permit for Cottonwood Cider House on March 8th, 2023-March 12th, 2023 from 11am-10pm.  (Finance Director Richter)

Roll Call:    Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Carlsrud          

N5.  Discuss Finance and Commission Meeting Material Distribution Process.  (City Administrator Crawford)

Roll Call:    Gulmon           Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Carlsrud

N6.  Approve Amendment to Purchasing Policy. (City Administrator Crawford)

Roll Call:    Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Magnuson        Carlsrud

City Administrator’s Report
City Updates & Commission Reports

Posted in Announcements, City Commission Agendas.