10.16.2023 Mayor’s Message



  • Hi Everybody,
  • With our nice fall weather more people are walking, running and biking.  However, with more hours of darkness and distracted drivers, it is IMPERATIVE you wear “Hi-Vis” clothing.  Be safe, “Go Hi-Vis”.
  • The Valley City Barnes County Library is hosting Joelle Bearstail October 17th, 5:00 at the library.  Joelle is a mom, celebrated author of children’s books, educator and founder of “ImagiNative Inc”.  Stop in and visit with Joelle.
  • The Red River Water Supply Project (RRWSP) is a pipeline to bring water to eastern North Dakota during times of drought.  This is a huge project to be funded with federal, state and local dollars.  I will be sharing further as time goes, but for information now, see: http://www.rrvwsp.com/.
  • FUN, October 20 & 21 Valley City Parks and Recreation (VCPR) will offer numerous activities beginning with free movies Friday at Twin Cinema.  Saturday there is a Halloween Costume Fun Run/Walk, Spooky Spike Showdown and Park-tober Festival all to be taking place in Chautauqua Park.  
  • Many of us are cleaning our yards, flowerbeds and the like.  Please dispose properly; grass clippings, flower stems and small branches (4-inch diameter maximum) go to the west side of the Transfer Station 24/7 at no charge. PLEASE do not put those items in the garbage.  We have some great services available for our use, please respect them & use properly; thank you.
  • Valley City Public Works and MRES are partnering to offer incentives for energy-saving projects and products.  Residential and business customers are eligible and will also receive access to our Trade Ally contractors.  For further information, see Bright Energy Solutions at:  https://www.brightenergysolutions.com/members/valley-city-public-works.
  • Thanks to all who provide and proof material for this article.                     
  • What you do with your family is more important than what you do for your family.”    ~ Pinterest – SAVETHECOWBOY.COM                      

                                                  Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful,


Dave Carlsrud

Posted in Announcements.